a computational tool using deep learning that can estimate the residue-wise local quality for protein models from cryo-Electron Microscopy (EM) maps.
a computational tool using deep learning that can accurately identify structures, alpha helices, beta sheets, other(coils/turns) and DNA/RNA, in cryo-EM maps of medium to low resolution.
a software system containing crystallographic structure refinement using Bayesian statistical methods (BUSTER), ligand fitting (rhofit) and a fully automated pipeline (Pipedream) to drive a structure based fragment/ligand screening pathway.
a program that combines installation of autoPROC, BUSTER, and SHARP available to Global Phasing consortium members.
a set of tools for cryo-EM and cryo-ET data processing including, among other tools: Warp, M, WarpTools, MTools, MCore, and Noise2Map.
a tool that allows for semi-automated building of RNA structure within Coot.
a user friendly and accurate binder design pipeline.
RECOVAR (Regularized covariance estimation for cryo-EM heterogeneity analysis) is a software tool for analyzing different conformations in heterogeneous cryo-EM and cryo-ET datasets. RECOVAR can reconstruct high-resolution volumes, estimate conformational density and low free-energy motions, and automatically identify subsets of images with a particular volume feature.
a molecular visualization program for displaying, animating, and analyzing large biomolecular systems using 3-D graphics and built-in scripting.
a tool for predicting and modeling protein complexes with deep learning.