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Presenter: Tom Goddard, UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics - Topic: Using AlphaFold protein structures in ChimeraX for cryoEM modeling
Linked to presented materials: https://www.rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/data/sbgrid-mar2022/alphafold_pae.html
Learn more on the ChimeraX website:
This talk was presented as part of the SBGrid Spring Mini-series - Cryo-electron microscopy of membrane proteins: from sample to structure. See the full series lineup at https://sbgrid.org/webinars/
Organized by
Prof. Jamaine Davis, Meharry Medical College
Prof. Piotr Sliz, Harvard Medical School
Prof. Patrick Sexton, ARC Centre for Cryo-electron Microscopy of Membrane Proteins, Monash University
Recorded on March 29, 2022

Topic: BioGrids for SBGrid Users
Presenter: James Vincent, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
Topic: BioGrids for SBGrid Users
BioGrids in an SBGrid-style collection of ~ 500 open source bioinformatics software titles. This software stack, which includes collections for high-throughput sequencing, genomics, proteomics, visualization, image analysis, etc, is available to all SBGrid members as an add-on option, and to all users in Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital labs as part of an institutional subscription.
Recorded on October 12, 2021
Host: Jason Key

Topic: Analyzing Biological Small Angle X-ray Scattering Data Using RAW
Presenter: Jesse Hopkins, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research, Cornell University
For more information on RAW: https://sourceforge.net/projects/biox...
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on July 26, 2017

Topic: careless: Modern Machine Learning for Diffraction Data.
Presenter: Kevin Dalton, Ph.D., Hekstra Laboratory, Harvard University.
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on May 9, 2023.
For more information on careless:
- https://sbgrid.org/wiki/examples/careless.md
- https://sbgrid.org/software/titles/careless
- https://github.com/rs-station/careless-examples
Presentation Slides:

Topic: What's new in CCP4 6.3.0
Presenter: Ronan Keegan, Ph.D., Senior Computation Scientist, CCP4 group, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
SBGrid Host: Piotr Sliz
Recorded on November 1, 2012
CCP4 website: http://www.ccp4.ac.uk

Topic: Making Augmented Reality Videos with ChimeraX
Presenter: Tom Goddard, University of California, San Francisco, Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics
The Zoom recording of this presentation is pretty choppy. We recommend you also check out the video Tom recorded and posted on his own channel here: https://youtu.be/dKNbRRRFhqY
Slides from talk available at https://www.rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/data/sbgrid-july2020/
Host: Pete Meyer
Recorded on July 7, 2020