BioGrids for SBGrid Users
Topic: BioGrids for SBGrid Users
Presenter: James Vincent, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
Topic: BioGrids for SBGrid Users
BioGrids in an SBGrid-style collection of ~ 500 open source bioinformatics software titles. This software stack, which includes collections for high-throughput sequencing, genomics, proteomics, visualization, image analysis, etc, is available to all SBGrid members as an add-on option, and to all users in Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital labs as part of an institutional subscription.
Recorded on October 12, 2021
Host: Jason Key
Topic: BioXTAS RAW: An open-source program for bioSAS data analysis.
Presenter: Jesse Hopkins, Ph.D., Deputy Director, BioCAT Sector 18, Advanced Photon Source
Recorded on Jan 18, 2022
Host: Pete Meyer
Topic: Analyzing Biological Small Angle X-ray Scattering Data Using RAW
Presenter: Jesse Hopkins, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research, Cornell University
For more information on RAW:
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on July 26, 2017
Topic: Model building and validation in CCP-EM
Presenter: Colin Palmer, Computational Scientist, Science & Technology Facilities Council
Recorded on: July 23, 2019
Host: Jason Key
Topic: Fast, accurate and easy particle picking with crYOLO
Presenter: Thorsten Wagner, Department of Structural Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on: May 28, 2019
Daniel Wrapp - Structural insights into SARS-CoV-2 S and implications for therapeutic development
Topic: Structural insights into SARS-CoV-2 S and implications for therapeutic development
Presenter: Daniel Wrapp, Dartmouth graduate student, Jason McLellan's lab at The University of Texas at Austin
Host: Shaun Rawson
Recorded on September 22, 2020
DENSS: Ab Initio Electron Density Maps from Biological SAXS Data
Topic: DENSS: Ab Initio Electron Density Maps from Biological SAXS Data
Presenter: Thomas Grant, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, University of Buffalo, Hauptman-Woodward Institute
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on: January 22, 2019
Summary: SAXS is an experimental technique used to analyze the molecular structures of a wide variety of biological and non-biological samples in solution. Here I present a method for calculating electron density maps directly from solution scattering data. After introducing the approach, I will demonstrate a brief tutorial of the software DENSS (DENsity from Solution Scattering).
Dr. Dhirendra Simanshu - Structural and mechanistic insights into the RAS biology
Topic: Structural and mechanistic insights into the RAS biology
Presenter: Dr. Dhirendra Simanshu, NCI RAS Initiative, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
Host: Pete Meyer
Recorded on April 20, 2021
Effective on-the-fly and downstream processing of CryoEM data
Topic: Effective on-the-fly and downstream processing of CryoEM data
Presenter: Shaun Rawson, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
Q&A session includes Tom Goddard, who also presented during this session on "Using AlphaFold protein structures in ChimeraX for cryoEM modeling." See
This talk was presented as part of the SBGrid Australasian III Mini-series - CryoEM: from Sample to Structure and should appeal to both novice and expert structural biologists.
See the full mini-series lineup at
Enhance Success of Crystallization: Choosing Crystallization Method
Topic: Simple Ways to Enhance the Success of Crystallization Trials: Part III - Choosing your Method of Crystallization
Presenter: Naomi Chayen, Professor, Imperial College London
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on December 4, 2013
Enhance Success of Crystallization: Maximize Hits & Improve Crystal Quality
Topic: Simple Ways to Enhance the Success of Crystallization Trials: Part II - Dynamic Experiments to Maximize Hits and Improve Crystal Quality
Presenter: Naomi Chayen, Professor, Imperial College London
SBGrid Host: Jason Key
Recorded on December 4, 2013
Enhance Success of Crystallization: Practical Crystallization Techniques
Topic: Simple Ways to Enhance the Success of Crystallization Trials: Part I - Practical Crystallization Techniques
Presenter: Naomi Chayen, Professor, Imperial College London
Recorded on: December 4, 2013
Evan Worden, PhD - Mechanisms of crosstalk between histone ubiquitination and methylation
Topic: Mechanisms of crosstalk between histone ubiquitination and methylation
Presenter: Evan Worden, Cynthia Wolberger's Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Thanks to Evan for persevering through the fire alarm, relocating and adding a face mask before continuing with his presentation!
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on June 30, 2020
Faster and smaller macromolecular crystallography at Diamond Light Source
Topic: Hot beams and cool crystals. Faster and smaller macromolecular crystallography at Diamond Light Source
Presenter: Robin Owen, Principal Beamline Scientist, I24 Diamond Light Source.
Host: Goran Malojcic
Recorded on July 25, 2014
Florent Delhommel - Co-chaperone structural characterization in client-transfer heat shock proteins
Topic: Structural characterization of a new co-chaperone involved in client-transfer between heat shock proteins
Presenter: Florent Delhommel, Ph.D., Michael Sattler's group, Technical University of Munich
Recorded on March 9, 2021
Host: Pete Meyer
Topic: Geneious (Custom BLAST, workflow builder, annotation tools, CRISPER tools)
Presenter: Christian Olsen, Field Application Scientist at
Biomatters, Inc
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on July 26, 2016
Topic: Geneious R7: Sequence Analysis Tool for Biologists
Presenter: Christian Olsen, Biomatters, Inc.
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on Sept 9th, 2014
Topic: Geneious R7: Molecular Cloning Tools for Biologists
Presenter: Christian Olsen, Biomatters, Inc.
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on September 30, 2014
Getting Started with SBGrid
Topic: Getting Started with SBGrid
Presenter: Jason Key, SBGrid Consortium, Harvard Medical School
Recorded on October 29, 2014
Topic: ICM-Browser-Pro: 3D Molecular Graphics and Protein Structure Analysis
Presenter: Andrew Orry, Ph.D. , Senior Scientist, Molsoft LLC
Host: Pete Meyer
Recorded on May 16, 2017