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AlphaFold protein structures & ChimeraX cryoEM modeling

  • AlphaFold protein structures & ChimeraX cryoEM modeling
  • Presenter: Tom Goddard, UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics - Topic: Using AlphaFold protein structures in ChimeraX for cryoEM modeling

    Linked to presented materials:

    Learn more on the ChimeraX website:

    This talk was presented as part of the SBGrid Spring Mini-series - Cryo-electron microscopy of membrane proteins: from sample to structure. See the full series lineup at

    Organized by
    Prof. Jamaine Davis, Meharry Medical College
    Prof. Piotr Sliz, Harvard Medical School
    Prof. Patrick Sexton, ARC Centre for Cryo-electron Microscopy of Membrane Proteins, Monash University

    Recorded on March 29, 2022

    De novo design of protein structure and function with RFdiffusion.

  • De novo design of protein structure and function with RFdiffusion.
  • SBGrid webinars are hosted with partial support from the NIH R25 Continuing Education for Structural Biology Mentors #GM151273, in collaboration with Co-PI Jamaine Davis of Meharry Medical College.

    Topic: De novo design of protein structure and function with RFdiffusion.

    Presenter: Brian Trippe, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University.

    Host: Pete Meyer
    Recorded on April 9, 2024

    For more information on RFdiffusion:


  • DiffDock
  • SBGrid webinars are hosted with partial support from the NIH R25 Continuing Education for Structural Biology Mentors #GM151273, in collaboration with Co-PI Jamaine Davis of Meharry Medical College.

    Topic: DiffDock: a state-of-the-art method for molecular docking.

    Presenter: Gabriele Corso, Hannes Staerk, and Bowen Jing, Ph.D. students, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

    Host: Pete Meyer
    Recorded on November 14, 2023

    For more information on DiffDock:


  • Dock
  • Topic: DOCK: Where it is and where its going
    Presenter: Trent Balius, Ph.D. , Postdoctoral Scholar, Shoichet Lab, University of California, San Francisco

    Recorded on June 20, 2017
    Host: Jason Key


  • Topic: GROMACS
    Presnter: Alessandra Villa, Ph.D., KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on September 29, 2021


  • Topic: Molecular Simulations with GROMACS: Possibilities and Pitfalls
    Presenter: Erik Lindahl, Professor, Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology

    Date Recorded: May 28, 2015
    Host: Jason Key


  • Haddock
  • Topic: Haddock

    Presenter: Prof. Alexandre Bonvin, University Utrecht

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on: June 29, 2021


  • Topic: Modelling biomolecular complexes using HADDOCK: local vs server mode.
    Presenter: Alexandre Bonvin, Computational Structural Biology group, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on September 8, 2015


  • LightDock
  • Topic: LightDock: Shedding light into the dark fraction of the protein interactome

    Brian Jimenez-Garcia, Ph.D., University Utrecht, and
    Jorge Roel, Ph.D., Department of Structural Biology, Protein Design and Modeling group, IBMB-CSIC, Barcelona

    Host: Pete Meyer

    Recorded on May 18, 2021

    MovableType Software for Fast Free Energy-based Virtual Screening

  • MovableType Software for Fast Free Energy-based Virtual Screening
  • Topic: MovableType Software for Fast Free Energy-based Virtual Screening
    Presenter: Lance Westerhoff, Ph.D., QuantumBio, Inc.

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on October 6, 2020


  • OpenMM
  • Topic: OpenMM
    Speaker: Peter Eastman, Senior Software Engineer, Vijay Pande's Group, Stanford University

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on February 28, 2017

    Phenix-Amber Integration

  • Phenix-Amber Integration
  • Topic: Improved chemistry restraints for crystallographic refinement by integrating the Amber force field into Phenix
    Presenter: Nigel Moriarty, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs

    Host: Pete Meyer
    Recorded on: October 8, 2019


  • Phenix/DivCon
  • Topic: Phenix/DivCon: accurate macromolecular crystallographic refinement using linear scaling, semiempirical quantum-mechanics.
    Presenter: Lance Westerhoff, President and General Manager

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on September 22, 2015


  • Phenix/DivCon
  • Topic: XModeScore: using crystallography to determine protonation states, fragment binding modes, and flip-states.
    Speaker: Lance Westerhoff, President and General Manager at QuantumBio Inc.

    Date: recorded: Oct 2, 2018
    Host: Jason Key


  • Topic: Analyzing and enhancing molecular dynamics simulations with PLUMED
    Presenters: Giovanni Bussi -- Associate Professor, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
    Massimiliano Bonomi -- Postdoc, University of Cambridge, Vendruscolo Group

    Recorded on May 22, 2018
    Host: Jason Key


  • ProDy
  • Topic: Elastic Network Models and ProDy for Bimolecular Systems Dynamics
    Presenter: Ivet Bahar, University of Pittsburgh

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on June 26, 2016


  • Schrödinger
  • "Recent Enhancements and Scientific Advancements in the Schrödinger Suite"
    Presenter: Woody Sherman, Schrödinger Vice President of Applications Science.
    SBGrid Host: Piotr Sliz
    Recorded on: June 12, 2012

    Schrödinger website:

    Schrodinger Glide with ICCB Library

  • Schrodinger Glide with ICCB Library
  • Topic: A basic primer for docking and similarity searching against the ICCB-Longwood databases on the SBGrid Goldfinger cluster
    Presenter: Paul Sanschagrin

    SBGrid Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on March 28, 2013

    Using AlphaFold protein structures in ChimeraX for cryoEM modeling

  • Using AlphaFold protein structures in ChimeraX for cryoEM modeling
  • Topic: Using AlphaFold protein structures in ChimeraX for cryoEM modeling

    Presenter: Tom Goddard, UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics

    Q&A session also includes Shaun Rawson, who presented during this session on "Effective on-the-fly and downstream processing of CryoEM data." See

    Learn more on the ChimeraX website:

    This talk was presented as part of the SBGrid Australasian III Mini-series - CryoEM: from Sample to Structure and should appeal to both novice and expert structural biologists.
    See the full mini-series lineup at
