Mar 31 2022
(Computer Aided Resonance Assignment) an application for the analysis of NMR spectra and computer-aided resonance assignment.
Updated versions: | Linux 64
Mar 30 2022
(System for Processing Image Data from Electron microscopy and Related fields) a large image processing suite for electron microscopy.
Updated versions:
26.06 | Linux 64
Mar 30 2022
a powerful and comprehensive suite of molecular biology and NGS analysis tools.
Updated versions:
2022.1.1 | OS X INTEL
2022.1.1 | Linux 64
Mar 28 2022
(REgularised LIkelihood OptimisatioN) a stand-alone computer program for Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) refinement of (multiple) 3D reconstructions or 2D class averages in cryo-electron microscopy.
Updated versions:
4.0-beta2_cu10.2 | Linux 64
Mar 21 2022
(Dials User Interface) a GUI to allow the general user to run DIALS tools and inspect the output without resorting to detailed command-line usage.
Updated versions:
2021.11.1 | OS X INTEL
2021.11.1 | Linux 64
Mar 16 2022
a program suite for small-angle scattering (SAXS) data analysis from biological macromolecules.
Updated versions:
3.0.5 | OS X INTEL
3.0.5 | Linux 64
Mar 15 2022
(Particle Estimation for Electron Tomography) a package for aligning and averaging particles in 3-D subvolumes extracted from tomograms. If PEET and IMOD are both installed, most PEET operations are available from the eTomo graphical user interface in IMOD. PEET is written in Matlab and a compiled version is distributed along with the Matlab runtime environment needed to run it.
Updated versions:
1.15.1 | Linux 64
1.15.1 | OS X INTEL
Mar 14 2022
a suite of tools for drug discovery. The Schrodinger suite runs on Linux and Mac workstations, but due to its size, it is not included in our default installation.
Updated versions:
2020-3 | Linux 64
2021-3 | Linux 64
2021-4 | Linux 64
2022-1 | OS X INTEL
2021-3 | OS X INTEL
2021-4 | OS X INTEL
2022-1 | Linux 64
Mar 13 2022
a protein structural dynamics analysis software package.
ProDy is installed as a module within python.
Updated versions:
2.0.2 | Linux 64
2.0.2 | OS X INTEL
1.11 | Linux 64
1.11 | OS X INTEL
Mar 10 2022
a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images.
Updated versions:
2.7 | Linux 64
Mar 08 2022
AutoDock Vina
a program for drug discovery, molecular docking, and virtual screening, offering multi-core capability, high performance and enhanced accuracy and ease of use.
Updated versions:
1.2.3 | OS X INTEL
Mar 08 2022
a python package for processing x-ray scattering data, first developed at the X9 beamline at NSLS, but revised multiple times and now in use at the LiX beamline at NSLS-II.
Updated versions:
2021.1.11.0 | Linux 64
2020.1.10.0 | Linux 64
2021.1.11.0 | OS X INTEL
2020.1.10.0 | OS X INTEL
2022.1.5.0 | OS X INTEL
2022.1.5.0 | Linux 64
Mar 07 2022
a model building application for X-ray crystallography.
Updated versions:
15.1.0 | OS X INTEL
Mar 07 2022
a data processing application for macromolecular crystallography. iMosflm (Graphical User Interface) and Mosflm (data processing application) are distributed with this package.
Updated versions:
7.4.0 | OS X INTEL
Mar 04 2022
a new version of Sparky renamed because NMRFAM, through the generous allowance of Tom Ferrin and Tom Goddard of UCSF, has taken over the original Sparky for continuous development to support advances in the biomolecular NMR field.
Updated versions:
20210421 | Linux 64
Mar 03 2022
AutoDock Vina
a program for drug discovery, molecular docking, and virtual screening, offering multi-core capability, high performance and enhanced accuracy and ease of use.
Updated versions:
1.2.3 | Linux 64
Mar 03 2022
(Sequence Alignment/Map) a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments that provides various utilities for manipulating alignments, including sorting, merging, indexing and generating alignments in a per-position format.
Updated versions:
1.15 | Linux 64
Mar 02 2022
a program that enables fast and sensitive comparisons of large structure sets.
Updated versions:
1.3c64211 | OS X INTEL
1.3c64211 | Linux 64
Mar 02 2022
a tool that displays protein crystallography X-ray diffraction data. The data may be displayed as a 2-D image, 3-D wire mesh or as integer pixel values. Data files may be saved in tiff or postscript format.
Updated versions:
1.9.15 | Linux 64