Topic: EMAN2.2 for Single Particle Analysis and In-situ Structural Biology
Presenter: Steven Ludtke, Ph.D.
Professor of Biochemistry - Baylor College of Medicine
Co-Director - National Center for Macromolecular Imaging
Co-Director - Center for Computational and Integrative Biomedical Research
Date Recorded: November 14, 2017
Host: Jason Key
Enhance Success of Crystallization: Choosing Crystallization Method
Topic: Simple Ways to Enhance the Success of Crystallization Trials: Part III - Choosing your Method of Crystallization
Presenter: Naomi Chayen, Professor, Imperial College London
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on December 4, 2013
Enhance Success of Crystallization: Maximize Hits & Improve Crystal Quality
Topic: Simple Ways to Enhance the Success of Crystallization Trials: Part II - Dynamic Experiments to Maximize Hits and Improve Crystal Quality
Presenter: Naomi Chayen, Professor, Imperial College London
SBGrid Host: Jason Key
Recorded on December 4, 2013
Enhance Success of Crystallization: Practical Crystallization Techniques
Topic: Simple Ways to Enhance the Success of Crystallization Trials: Part I - Practical Crystallization Techniques
Presenter: Naomi Chayen, Professor, Imperial College London
Recorded on: December 4, 2013
Topic: ERRASER for RNA structure error correction
Presenter: Steven Lewis, postdoc,Richardson Laboratory, Duke University
Presenter: Jane Richardson, Professor, Duke University
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on May 16, 2013
Evan Worden, PhD - Mechanisms of crosstalk between histone ubiquitination and methylation
Topic: Mechanisms of crosstalk between histone ubiquitination and methylation
Presenter: Evan Worden, Cynthia Wolberger's Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Thanks to Evan for persevering through the fire alarm, relocating and adding a face mask before continuing with his presentation!
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on June 30, 2020
Topic: EVcouplings: Using evolution to determine structure and function
Presenters: Kelly Brock, Ph.D., Laboratory of Debora Marks, Harvard Medical School and Thomas Hopf, Ph.D., Scientific Consultant
Host: Pete Meyer
Recorded on May 12, 2020
Faster and smaller macromolecular crystallography at Diamond Light Source
Topic: Hot beams and cool crystals. Faster and smaller macromolecular crystallography at Diamond Light Source
Presenter: Robin Owen, Principal Beamline Scientist, I24 Diamond Light Source.
Host: Goran Malojcic
Recorded on July 25, 2014
Florent Delhommel - Co-chaperone structural characterization in client-transfer heat shock proteins
Topic: Structural characterization of a new co-chaperone involved in client-transfer between heat shock proteins
Presenter: Florent Delhommel, Ph.D., Michael Sattler's group, Technical University of Munich
Recorded on March 9, 2021
Host: Pete Meyer
Topic: Fast and accurate protein structure search with Foldseek
Presenter: Prof. Martin Steinegger, Asst Professor of Bioinformatics, Seoul National University
Host: Pete Meyer
Recorded on Feb 14, 2023
For more information on Foldseek:
Topic: Geneious (Custom BLAST, workflow builder, annotation tools, CRISPER tools)
Presenter: Christian Olsen, Field Application Scientist at
Biomatters, Inc
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on July 26, 2016
Topic: Geneious R7: Sequence Analysis Tool for Biologists
Presenter: Christian Olsen, Biomatters, Inc.
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on Sept 9th, 2014
Topic: Geneious R7: Molecular Cloning Tools for Biologists
Presenter: Christian Olsen, Biomatters, Inc.
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on September 30, 2014
Getting Started with SBGrid
Topic: Getting Started with SBGrid
Presenter: Jason Key, SBGrid Consortium, Harvard Medical School
Recorded on October 29, 2014
Topic: Modeling Macromolecular Structures with Gorgon
Presenter: Matt Baker, Ph.D., Instructor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on April 10th, 2014
Presnter: Alessandra Villa, Ph.D., KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on September 29, 2021
Topic: Molecular Simulations with GROMACS: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Presenter: Erik Lindahl, Professor, Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Date Recorded: May 28, 2015
Host: Jason Key
Topic: Haddock
Presenter: Prof. Alexandre Bonvin, University Utrecht
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on: June 29, 2021
Topic: Modelling biomolecular complexes using HADDOCK: local vs server mode.
Presenter: Alexandre Bonvin, Computational Structural Biology group, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on September 8, 2015
HKL-2000/HKL-3000: Toward the Future of Structural Biology
Presenter: Wladek Minor, Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics
University of Virginia
Host: Jason Key
Recorded on February 6, 2014