(Sequence Alignment/Map) a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments that provides various utilities for manipulating alignments, including sorting, merging, indexing and generating alignments in a per-position format.
(Deep cryo-EM Map Enhancer) a python package designed to perform non-linear post-processing of cryo-EM maps for local sharpening, automatic masking and denoising. Systems using cuda 11+ should use the 20210511 version of deepEMhancer, and the modified models distributed in /programs/share/deepemhancer/20210511/deepEMhancerModels/production_checkpoints/
(ISOtropic reconstructioN of Electron Tomography) a tool that trains deep convolutional neural networks to reconstruct meaningful contents in the missing wedge for electron tomography, and to increase signal-to-noise ratio, using the information learned from the original tomogram.
a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
a software package for segmenting membranes in tomograms. It is based on (1) a Gaussian-like model of membrane profile, (2) a local differential structure approach, and (3) anisotropic propagation of the local structural information using the tensor voting algorithm.