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Lecture 17: Cctbx.xfel: New software for serial crystallography

  • Lecture 17: Cctbx.xfel: New software for serial crystallography
  • Topic: Cctbx.xfel: New software for serial crystallography
    Presenter: Nicholas Sauter, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    Presented as part of:
    SBGrid/NE-CAT 2014: Data Processing in Crystallography
    June 5-6, 2014

    Lecture 1: The Diffraction Experiment: Crystals, Beams, Images, and Reflections

  • Lecture 1: The Diffraction Experiment: Crystals, Beams, Images, and Reflections
  • Topic: The Diffraction Experiment: Crystals, Beams, Images, and Reflections
    Presenter: Jim Pflugrath

    Presented as part of:
    SBGrid/NE-CAT 2014: Data Processing in Crystallography
    June 5-6, 2014

    Lecture 2: Scaling and Merging

  • Lecture 2:  Scaling and Merging
  • Topic: Scaling and Merging
    Presenter: Zbyszek Otwinowski, Professor, UT Southwestern Medical Center

    Presented as part of:
    SBGrid/NE-CAT 2014: Data Processing in Crystallography
    June 5-6, 2014

    Lecture 3: CC* - Linking crystallographic model and data quality

  • Lecture 3:  CC* - Linking crystallographic model and data quality
  • Topic: CC* - Linking crystallographic model and data quality
    Presenter: Kay Diederichs, Professor, University of Konstanz

    Presented as part of:
    SBGrid/NE-CAT 2014: Data Processing in Crystallography
    June 5-6, 2014

    Lecture 5: Data Processing Tools in the SBGrid Collection

  • Lecture 5:  Data Processing Tools in the SBGrid Collection
  • Topic: Data Processing Tools in the SBGrid Collection
    Presenter: Piotr Sliz, Harvard Medical School/SBGrid Consortium

    Presented as part of:
    SBGrid/NE-CAT 2014: Data Processing in Crystallography
    June 5-6, 2014

    Lecture 6: MOSFLM and FRIENDS: Data Processing in the CCP4 suite.

  • Lecture 6:  MOSFLM and FRIENDS: Data Processing in the CCP4 suite.
  • Presenter: Phil Evans, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
    Topic: MOSFLM and FRIENDS: Data Processing in the CCP4 Suite

    SBGrid/NE-CAT 2014: Data Processing in Crystallography
    June 5-6, 2014

    Lecture 7: HKL3000

  • Lecture 7:  HKL3000
  • Topic: HKL3000
    Presenter: Zbyszek Otwinowski, UT Southwestern Medical School

    Presented as part of:
    SBGrid/NE-CAT 2014: Data Processing in Crystallography
    June 5-6, 2014

    Lecture 8: Principles of data processing with XDS

  • Lecture 8:  Principles of data processing with XDS
  • Presenter: Kay Diederichs, University of Konstanz, Germany
    Topic: Principles of data processing with XDS.

    Presented as part of:
    SBGrid/NE-CAT 2014: Data Processing in Crystallography
    June 5-6, 2014

    Lecture 9: Processing Twinned and Split Crystals with RLATT

  • Lecture 9: Processing Twinned and Split Crystals with RLATT
  • Topic: Processing Twinned and Split Crystals with RLATT
    Presenter: Matt Benning, Bruker AXS

    Presented as part of:
    SBGrid/NE-CAT 2014: Data Processing in Crystallography
    June 5-6, 2014


  • LightDock
  • Topic: LightDock: Shedding light into the dark fraction of the protein interactome

    Brian Jimenez-Garcia, Ph.D., University Utrecht, and
    Jorge Roel, Ph.D., Department of Structural Biology, Protein Design and Modeling group, IBMB-CSIC, Barcelona

    Host: Pete Meyer

    Recorded on May 18, 2021

    MAFFT/MAFFTash: Web services for structure-informed multiple sequence alignment

  • MAFFT/MAFFTash:  Web services for structure-informed multiple sequence alignment
  • Topic: MAFFT/MAFFTash: Web services for structure-informed multiple sequence alignment
    Presenters: Kazutaka Katoh and Daron Standley, Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka University

    Host: Andrew Morin
    Recorded on July 17, 2014

    Makaia Papasergi-Scott, PhD - Structures of metabotropic GABAB receptors

  • Makaia Papasergi-Scott, PhD - Structures of metabotropic GABAB receptors
  • Topic: Structures of metabotropic GABAB receptors
    Presenter: Makaia Papasergi-Scott, PhD, Georgios Skiniotis's group, Stanford University

    Host: Shaun Rawson
    Recorded on July 14, 2020

    Matt Jaremko - Uncovering the dynamic states of the human Origin Recognition Complex

  • Matt Jaremko - Uncovering the dynamic states of the human Origin Recognition Complex
  • Topic: Twist and Pinch, Rock and Roll: Uncovering the dynamic states of the human Origin Recognition Complex

    Presenter: Matt Jaremko, Ph.D., Leemor Joshua-Tor's group, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on December 8, 2020

    Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, PhD - Cryo-EM structure of native muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

  • Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, PhD - Cryo-EM structure of native muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
  • Topic: Cryo-EM structure of native muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and inhibition by snake venom toxins
    Presenter: Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, PhD, Ryan Hibbs's group, UT Southwestern

    Host: Pete Meyer
    Recorded on June 22, 2020

    Michael Robertson, PhD - GemSpot: A Pipeline for Robust Modeling of Ligands into CryoEM Maps

  • Michael Robertson, PhD - GemSpot: A Pipeline for Robust Modeling of Ligands into CryoEM Maps
  • Topic: GemSpot: A Pipeline for Robust Modeling of Ligands into CryoEM Maps
    Presenter: Michael Robertson, PhD, Georgios Skiniotis's group, Stanford University

    Host: Pete Meyer
    Recorded on June 22, 2020


  • ModelAngelo
  • Topic: Automated atomic modeling for cryo-EM maps.
    Presenter: Kiarash Jamali, PhD student, Scheres group, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK.

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on: March 14, 2023

    For more information on ModelAngelo:

    Molecular Biology with Geneious R7

  • Molecular Biology with Geneious R7
  • Topic: Geneious R7: A bioinformatics platform for biologists
    Presenter: Christian Olsen, Field Application Scientist, Biomatters, Inc.

    SBGrid Host: Paul Sanschagrin
    Recorded on Oct 3, 2013

    Geneious website:


  • MoRDa
  • Topic: MoRDa, an automatic molecular replacement pipeline
    Presenter: Andrey Lebedev, Ph.D., Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK

    Host: Pete Meyer
    Recorded on November 9, 2021

    MotionCor2 and AreTomo

  • MotionCor2 and AreTomo
  • Topic: The recent progress of high-throughput cryo electron microscopy and cryo electron tomography at UCSF

    Presenter: Dr. Shawn Zheng, University of California, San Francisco

    Host: Shaun Rawson
    Recorded on April 29, 2020

    MovableType Software for Fast Free Energy-based Virtual Screening

  • MovableType Software for Fast Free Energy-based Virtual Screening
  • Topic: MovableType Software for Fast Free Energy-based Virtual Screening
    Presenter: Lance Westerhoff, Ph.D., QuantumBio, Inc.

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on October 6, 2020
