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Supported Applications


  • Description

    (single particle analysis for resolution extension) an image processing environment with a particular emphasis on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) structure determination. It includes a graphical user interface that provides a complete graphical programming environment.

  • Usage

  • Primary Citation*

    M. Hohn, G. Tang, G. Goodyear, P. R. Baldwin, Z. Huang, P. A. Penczek, C. Yang, R. M. Glaeser, P. D. Adams, and S. J. Ludtke. 2007. SPARX, a new environment for Cryo-EM image processing. J Struct Biol. 157(1): 47-55.

    • *Full citation information available through

  • Tales

    Sharper Image

    Sharper Image

    When Pawel Penczek took his first job in the lab of Joachim Frank, a pioneer in cryo-Electron Microscopy, he had never heard about the technique. "My interest was in digital signal processing," says Penczek, now director of the Structural Biology Imaging Center at the University of Texas - Houston Medical School and lead developer of SPARX, a Cryo-EM image processing software tool. "I was only remotely aware of using EM for biological applications."

    When he arrived in Frank's lab in 1989, he became part of the team working on the first cryo-EM construction of the ribosome, which finally emerged at 45A resolution. "It was a major milestone," he says. As part of the team, Penczek, who had studied physics at the University of Warsaw, took on the task …

    Read the full story here.
  • Webinars

    Single Particle EM Computational Challenges

    Topic: Protein Structure Determination with Single Particle Electron Microscopy - Computational Challenges
    Presenter: Pawel Penczek, Ph.D., Professor and Director, Structural Biology Imaging Center, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

    Host: Jason Key
    Recorded on Jan 20, 2015

  • Keywords

    Electron Microscopy

  • Default Versions

    Linux 64:  4.0 (1.4 KB)
    OS X INTEL:  3.0 (1.2 KB)

  • Other Versions

      Linux 64:

      2.0 (1.3 KB) , 3.0 (1.3 KB)
    • OS X INTEL:

      2.0 (1.2 KB) , 4.0 (1.2 KB)
  • Developers

    Pawel Penczek
