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Your details

Grant Support

Letters of Support

When appropriate, SBGrid can provide members and contributing developers with a personalized letter of support for grant submissions. If your application would benefit from a letter of support, please contact us 3-4 weeks prior to your grant submission to discuss the details.

Facilities/Other Resources and Data Sharing Plan

If you are applying for grant support, please include a statement describing SBGrid in the Facilities, Other Resources, and Data Sharing Plan sections of your NIH and NSF applications. We have included sample paragraphs below that you can copy verbatim or modify as necessary:

  • SBGrid Members/Researchers:
  • Facilities/Other Resources: Our laboratory is a member of the SBGrid Consortium - an effort that supports installation of a tested and refined library of scientific applications for structural biology laboratories around the world (, eLife 2013;2:e01456). SBGrid installs over 400 software applications on workstations in our laboratory, including collections for X-ray Crystallography, NMR, Electron Microscopy, Bioinformatics, and Computational Chemistry. SBGrid also provides our group with access to educational workshops, software training webinars, cyberinfrastructure resources (XSEDE and OSG).

    Data Sharing Plan: The X-ray diffraction datasets that support macromolecular coordinates, our laboratory collects are made available to the scientific community in their original format through the SBGrid Data Bank. Our laboratory will deposit these datasets for release when a manuscript describing the macromolecular structures is published, in accordance with the SBGrid Publication Guidelines.

  • Contributing software developers:
  • Our project contributes software to the SBGrid Consortium, which installs and updates our application/s for hundreds of structural biology laboratories (, eLife 2013;2:e01456), allowing us to devote more resources to the core development of our application. We also utilize SBGrid's webinars and monthly newsletter to provide timely updates to our community of users.

Citing Software:

Researchers should properly cite all software applications that contributed to their project and can use SBGrid's AppCiter tool to quickly compile a list of relevant citations. See our Supported Applications page for access to AppCiter:

Please also be sure to acknowledge SBGrid for work that was completed with SBGrid-supported applications by including the SBGrid logo on your acknowledgments slide and citing the eLife publication describing SBGrid in your publications:

Collaboration gets the most out of software. eLife 2013;2:e01456 (2013).

SBGrid Publications:

Publications describing SBGrid activities and related projects are listed below. We would be grateful if you could reference these as appropriate:

Primary Publication:
  • Carol Herre, Alex Ho, Ben Eisenbraun, James Vincent, Thomas Nicholson, Giorgos Boutsioukis, Peter A. Meyer, Michelle Ottaviano, Kurt L. Krause, Jason Key, and Piotr Sliz. Introduction of the Capsules environment to support further growth of the SBGrid structural biology software collection. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol (2024). Journal | PDF
  • Andrew Morin, Ben Eisenbraun, Jason Key, Paul C Sanschagrin, Michael A Timony, Michelle Ottaviano, Piotr Sliz. Cutting edge: Collaboration gets the most out of software. eLife (2013). Journal | PDF

Structure determination portal and grid computing:
  • Ian Stokes-Rees and Piotr Sliz. Protein Structure Determination by exhaustive search of Protein Data Bank derived databases. PNAS (2010). Journal | PDF
  • Daniel J O'Donovan, Ian Stokes-Rees, Yunsun Nam, Stephen Blacklow, Gunnar F Schroder, Axel T Brunger and Piotr Sliz. A grid-enabled web service for low-resolution crystal structure refinement. Acta Crystallographica D68: 261-267 (2012). Django-condor code | Journal | PDF
  • Ian Stokes-Rees, Ian Levesque, Frank V. Murphy IV, Wei Yang, Ashley Deacon and Piotr Sliz. Adapting federated cyberinfrastructure for shared data collection facilities in structural biology. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 19:462-467 (2012). Journal | PDF
  • Ian Stokes-Rees and Piotr Sliz. Compute and data management strategies for grid deployment of high throughput protein structure studies. 3rd IEEE workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers. (2010). PDF

Software Licensing and Open Source:
  • Andrew Morin and Piotr Sliz. Optimizing Peer Review of Software Code. Science 341: 236-237 (2013). Journal | PDF
  • Andrew Morin, Jennifer Urban, Paul D Adams, Ian Foster, Andrej Sali, David Baker and Piotr Sliz. Shining Light into Black Boxes. Science 6078: 159-160 (2012). Letter from Yale | Journal | PDF
  • Andrew Morin, Jennifer Urban and Piotr Sliz. A quick guide to software licensing for the scientist-programmer. PLoS Computational Biology 8: e1002598 (2012). Journal | PDF

Structural Biology Software:
  • Andrew Morin and Piotr Sliz. Structural biology computing: Lessons for the biomedical research sciences. Biopolymers (2013). Journal | PDF
  • Amber L McConahy, Ben Eisenbraun, James Howison, James D Herbsleb and Piotr Sliz. Techniques for Monitoring Runtime Architectures of Socio-technical Ecosystems. 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Data-Intensive Collaboration in Science and Engineering Workshop. (2012). Journal | PDF