Supported Applications
a Python-based program package that can be used to efficiently detect and characterize significant conformational changes in simulated biomolecular systems.
To list all executables provided by TimeScapes, run:$ sbgrid-list timescapes
Use the following command to install this title with the CLI client:$ sbgrid-cli install timescapes
Available operating systems: Linux 64, OS X INTEL -
Primary Citation*
W. Wriggers, K. A. Stafford, Y. Shan, S. Piana, P. Maragakis, K. Lindorff-Larsen, P. J. Miller, J. Gullingsrud, C. A. Rendleman, M. P. Eastwood, R. O. Dror, and D. E. Shaw. 2009. Automated Event Detection and Activity Monitoring in Long Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 5(10): 2595-2605.
*Full citation information available through
Default Versions
Linux 64:  1.4 (4.2 MB)
OS X INTEL:  1.4 (1.0 MB) -
Willy Wriggers