Supported Applications
a program that calculates solvent accessible area that is defined by a probe as it rolls on the surface of the molecule. Thus use of a zero radius probe will give the Van der Walls surface area.
To list all executables provided by surfv, run:$ sbgrid-list surfv
Use the following command to install this title with the CLI client:$ sbgrid-cli install surfv
Available operating systems: Linux 64, OS X INTEL -
Primary Citation*
A. Nicholls, K. A. Sharp, and B. Honig. 1991. Protein Folding and Association: Insights From the Interfacial and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbons. Proteins. 11: 281-296.
*Full citation information available through
Default Versions
Linux 64:  199306 (2.0 MB)
OS X INTEL:  199306 (421.8 KB) -
SURFace Developer Group, Barry Honig