Supported Applications
a multipurpose X11 plotting program that specializes in contour plots but can also handle 2D and 3D plots. The plot-types supported are: contour plots (rectangular grid, as well as triangular mesh), 2D line and scatter plots (x-vs-y), 3D surface , line and scatter plots, vector plots, probability plots, histograms, barcharts.
To list all executables provided by PLOTMTV, run:$ sbgrid-list plotmtv
Usage Notes
PLOTMTV has an rough but functional Graphical User Interface, through which it is possible to zoom in, zoom out, pan, and toggle between 2D and 3D plots, and rotate 3D plots. Both color and grayscale postscript output are supported.
Use the following command to install this title with the CLI client:$ sbgrid-cli install plotmtv
Available operating systems: Linux 64, OS X INTEL
Default Versions
Linux 64:  1.4.1 (2.0 MB)
OS X INTEL:  1.4.1 (2.2 MB) -
Kenny Toh