Supported Applications
a commandline tool, written in BASH, that sets up and runs a MDFF (molecular Dynamics Flexible Fit) simulation in a semi automatic manner, using only the input PDB file and input density file.
To list all executables provided by Namdinator, run:$ sbgrid-list namdinator
Use the following command to install this title with the CLI client:$ sbgrid-cli install namdinator
Available operating systems: Linux 64 -
Primary Citation*
R. T. Kidmose, J. Juhl, P. Nissen, T. Boesen, J. L. Karlsen, and B. P. Pedersen. 2019. Namdinator - automatic molecular dynamics flexible fitting of structural models into cryo-EM and crystallography experimental maps. IUCrJ. 6(4): 526-531.
*Full citation information available through
Default Versions
Linux 64:  20191016-5814c947 (63.9 MB)
Jesper Lykkegaard Karlsen, Rune Kidmose