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Supported Applications


  • Description

    a package that does multiple alignment of protein structures, providing a common 3D superimposition, a corresponding structure-based sequence alignment and a dendrogram for the set of structures aligned.

  • Usage

    To list all executables provided by MAMMOTH-Mult, run: $ sbgrid-list mammoth-mult Copy to clipboard
  • Installation

    Use the following command to install this title with the CLI client: $ sbgrid-cli install mammoth-mult Copy to clipboard Available operating systems: Linux 64, OS X INTEL
  • Primary Citation*

    D. Lupyan, A. Leo-Macias, and A. Ortiz. 2005. A new progressive-iterative algorithm for multiple structure alignment. Bioinformatics. 21(15): 3255-3263.

    • *Full citation information available through

  • Keywords


  • Default Versions

    Linux 64:  20130715 (1.2 MB)
    OS X INTEL:  20130715 (1.2 MB)

  • Other Versions

      Linux 64:

      1.0 (1.3 MB)
    • OS X INTEL:

      1.0 (1.0 MB)
  • Developers

    Ugo Bastolla Bufalini, Alejandra Leo-Macias, Dmitry Lupyan
