SBGird now supports the SGI IRIX 6.5.26m operating system. You can install OS patches directly with the SBGird software depository: /programs/iris4d/extras/IRIX6.5.26. Please note that some older IRIX computers (Indygo2 and below) can be only updated to version 6.5.22 as those computers are already at the end of the support cycle.
I have included in SBGrid a new version of the SGI freeware distribution. Below please find a list of all compiled applications. Some of them might be essential, some really required and the rest is just needed by other included packages. Please let me know if anything is missing. The synchronization of remote sites to the newest version of SBGId might take few days as the recent additions consume a lot of disk space. To properly function with the freeware packages your SGI systems should have the following link: /programs/iris4d/freeware -> /usr/freeware.
The list of all included appliacations can be found in /programs/iris4d/freeware directory.