Join us on April 3rd to hear from Woonghee Lee at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, about NMRFAM-Sparky.
National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison, and Biochemistry Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Host: Jason Key
Abstract: NMRFAM-SPARKY [1] is the integrated software package for analyzing multidimensional NMR data. It
has been improved over the years with new plugins automating commonly conducted time-consuming
tasks such as peak picking, chemical shift assignment, structure calculation, etc. In this webinar, I will
present basic usage of the program along with the new plugin, the PINE-SPARKY.2 [2], automating
chemical shift assignment and structure calculation by using the I-PINE web server [3].
[1] Lee, W., Tonelli, M. and Markley, J.L., (2015) NMRFAM-SPARKY: enhanced software for
biomolecular NMR spectroscopy. Bioinformatics, 31(8).
[2] Lee, W. and Markley, J.L., (2017) PINE-SPARKY. 2 for automated NMR-based protein structure
research. Bioinformatics, 1, p.3. epub
[3] Lee, W. et al., I-PINE web server in preparation
For more information on NMRFAM-Sparky, visit the website, browse the NMR_Sparky Forum, or read the publication.
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