Please join us January 10th, in the first of two xfel webinars, to learn about Processing serial crystallographic data using cctbx.xfel and DIALS. Aaron Brewster, Project Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, will present.
Processing serial crystallographic data using cctbx.xfel and DIALS
Project Scientist
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Host: Jason Key
Serial crystallography is an advancing field, allowing scientists to collect data from upwards of hundreds of thousands of protein crystals in sequence. It allows the study of crystals too small for conventional goniometer rotation experiments, but also allows examining samples at room temperature, and probing time-dependence in reaction cycles. cctbx.xfel is a software package for indexing and integrating serial crystallographic data from XFEL and synchrotron sources. Example data will be analyzed using cctbx.xfel and typical use cases and common problems will be discussed.
For more information:
- see the cctbx.xfel wiki
- read the publication Brewster AS, et. al. (2016): Processing XFEL data with cctbx.xfel and DIALS. Computational Crystallography Newsletter 7, 32-53. Reprint
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