We are happy to announce that SBGrid will host a Phenix Workshop in the week between the Gordon Conference and the ACA Meeting in Boston. This workshop will be held at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, 250 Longwood Ave, Boston.
8:30-9:30 am Poster Session
Presented by Paul Adams, Tom Terwilliger, Jeff Headd and Nat Echols
Registration Fee (including lunch):
$100 students / $140 everyone else
Due to space constraints, registrations was limited 25 participants and is now closed
Program Description
The purpose of the workshop is to train both beginning and advanced crystallographers in the use of the PHENIX software for macromolecular structure determination. The workshop will consist of two overall parts. Lectures the morning session will introduce PHENIX and the core algorithms that it uses. The afternoon session will be a group hands-on tutorial for researchers.
The morning session will begin with an overview of PHENIX that introduces what the PHENIX software can do, how it is organized, and how it is used. Then the core automation in PHENIX will be presented along with the key algorithms used in structure solution by MIR/MAD/SAD, density modification and model-building. Next the PHENIX refinement system will be described with emphasis on the core algorithms used. Then the extensive validation available during and after structure determination with PHENIX will be described. Finally the attendees will learn how to use the PHENIX GUI to carry out all the methods used in PHENIX.
In the afternoon there will be three group tutorials. The first will focus on data analysis (twinning, space groups, structure factor statistics) and structure solution (finding an anomalous substructure in a MAD or SAD dataset, or molecular replacement). The second tutorial will focus on automated model-building and ligand fitting. The third will cover refinement and validation.
For further information please contact Michelle Ottaviano