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  • The Project MAC display system, circa 1965. Read more about the history of molecular graphics software and UCSF Chimera in our SBGrid Tale featuring Bob Langridge and Tom Ferrin.

  • The SBGrid Consortium provides structural biologists worldwide with access to the software they need to discover the shapes of the molecules of life. Read more in eLIFE.

  • The Ando lab is developing tools and techniques to probe diffuse scattering for information about how the proteins move. Read the full story.

    Image courtesy of N. Ando.

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Recent Software Updates

Software updates
Oct 15 | MemBrain-Seg

a tool for membrane segmentation in 3D for cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). >>

Oct 11 | DRGN-AI

a neural network-based algorithm for ab initio heterogeneous cryo-EM reconstruction. >>

Oct 10 | Warp

a set of tools for cryo-EM and cryo-ET data processing including, among other tools: Warp, M, WarpTools, MTools, MCore, and Noise2Map. >>

Oct 09 | CryoSegNet

Accurate cryo-EM protein particle picking by integrating the foundational AI image segmentation model and specialized U-Net >>

Oct 09 | ShelXle

a cute graphical user interface for SHELXL. >>

Oct 09 | PHYLIP

a free package of software programs for inferring phylogenies. >>

Oct 08 | cryoDRGN

a neural network based algorithm for heterogeneous cryo-EM reconstruction. In particular, the method models a continuous distribution over … >>

Oct 04 | XIA2

an expert system for automated reduction of X-Ray diffraction data from macromolecular crystals, making use of existing software (CCP4, XDS… >>

Oct 03 | XDS

(X-ray Detector Software) a software tool for processing single-crystal monochromatic diffraction data recorded by the rotation method. >>

Oct 02 | ChemEM

a tool that utilizes information from Cryo-EM density and state-of-the-art small molecule force fields to dock small molecules into protein… >>

Thanks to the National Science Foundation

With partial support from the NIH R25 Continuing Education for Structural Biology Mentors #GM151273, in collaboration with Co-PI Jamaine Davis; the NSF Research Coordination Network MCB #0639193, and NSF EAGER #1448069. Please cite SBGrid's eLife paper and follow our publication guidelines.

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Latest upgrades from SBGrid, including latest software updates, new members and special events. Published montly by SBGrid.

SBGrid Webinar Series

Join us for our Software Webinar Series - Tuesdays at 12pm ET - to hear from software developers about what's new in structural biology. Community members connect via Zoom. Subscribe …

SBGrid/Harvard Shield

SBGrid Capsules Technology

We have recently published a manuscript describing our Capsules technology used to deploy SBGrid and BioGrids software collections. Read more in Acta Cryst Section D, special 75th ICUR anniversary issue, …

Death Metal

Death Metal

For many people, the phrase “nutritional immunity” may evoke special foods or vitamin supplements believed to boost immunity, such as chicken soup, vitamin C, or tea with honey. But for …

Context Matters

Context Matters

Bing Chen has spent his structural biology career seeking a better look at how HIV particles enter host cells to make people sick. In fact, his research group at Boston …

Member publications
