Installing SBGrid Software
Using the SBGrid Environment
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In most cases, it is relatively straightforward to use SBGrid Programs from non-SBGrid applications. Using topaz,(developer's link) as an example, create an adapter/wrapper script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# activate the environment, so that it doesn't need to be always enabled under the user account running the non-SBGrid program.
source /programs/sbgrid.shrc
# Optionally, specify the SBGrid version of the title.
# Explict version configuration can help troubleshooting integration issues.
export TOPAZ_X=0.2.5a_cu11.3_py36
# call the executable with original arguments
topaz "$@"
make this script executable (for example, chmod +x topaz_adapter.bash
, place it somewhere readable to (and exectuable by) the external program, and use the full path to the script (for example, /programs/local/adapter_scripts/topaz_adapter.bash
) in configuring the non-SBGrid program.
which topaz
); this requires the SBgrid environment to be persistently active in the environment/user account of the other program, and makes it ambigious which version is being used.sbwhich topaz
); this may work, but will miss capsule initialization, which may cause avoidable job