Installing SBGrid Software
Using the SBGrid Environment
Support for Site Administrators
Hardware Support Notes
Getting Help
Support for Developers
In an effort to show our appreciation for their hard work and to encourage the continuing development and support of cutting edge structural biology software, SBGrid offers a Developer Support Program featuring a wide array of benefits for structural biology software developers.
When applying for grants or financial support please let us know! We can provide support letters on behalf of members of SBGrid Consortium. Letters would include details about our membership, number of computers that can access your software, operating systems used by our community, etc. Please use the contact form on the SBGrid website.
You are welcome to use SBGrid laboratories to beta-test your software. Just let us know when the new beta is available, and we will install it for all participating laboratories or a limited subset that you choose.
First level software support is provided by the SBGrid non-profit center at Harvard Medical School. All members of the consortium communicate with the service center for assistance with software installation, upgrades, and basic troubleshooting. For many of the mundane problems involving installation, operating system portability and environmental set up, SBGrid members will never need to contact you for support. Your expertise with the software be best utilized answering questions and working on problems that directly involve the science behind your application.
More than 500+ structural biology laboratories from 100+ institutions in 20+ countries participate in the Consortium including the labs of many HHMI investigators and a few Nobel Prize winners. Deployment of your application can be customized to include only non-profit labs or broadened to include industry labs as well. Please visit for the full list of participating groups that can benefit from rapid access to your software. Please note that most SBGrid Consortium laboratories standardize on supported operating systems, which simplifies the installation and support process.
Announcing a new version of your software? Present in our monthly webinar series to broadcast your presentation to all laboratories participating in our consortium. We can also disseminate information about your application to our community in our monthly newsletter. Visiting Boston? Please let us know because we'd love to schedule a seminar for members of our local structural biology community.
This version of the page was edited by key at 2021-07-29 18:44:54. View the most recent version.