Installing SBGrid Software
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Actual packages installed by site vary depending on licensing and requests. Packages can be removed on request.
671.3G x86_64-linux/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
405.9G i386-mac/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
33.4G share/ [+++ ]
50.4G schrodinger/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
44.3G rosetta/ [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
37.9G scipion/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
36.1G r/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
30.3G ccp4/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
28.6G relion/ [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
22.0G tensorflow/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
19.5G cryolo/ [++++++++++++++++++++ ]
16.7G eman2/ [+++++++++++++++++ ]
16.2G phenix/ [+++++++++++++++++ ]
15.4G peet/ [++++++++++++++++ ]
15.1G pyrosetta/ [+++++++++++++++ ]
12.6G cuda/ [+++++++++++++ ]
10.9G cryodrgn/ [+++++++++++ ]
10.6G cryoassess/ [+++++++++++ ]
10.4G dynamo/ [++++++++++ ]
10.2G ambertools/ [++++++++++ ]
10.1G pomona/ [++++++++++ ]
9.8G cinderella/ [++++++++++ ]
8.7G coot/ [+++++++++ ]
8.7G topaz/ [+++++++++ ]
7.5G cellprofiler/ [+++++++ ]
7.3G gromacs/ [+++++++ ]
7.1G python/ [+++++++ ]
7.1G ccpem/ [+++++++ ]
6.9G acemd/ [+++++++ ]
6.9G emclarity/ [+++++++ ]
6.8G dials/ [+++++++ ]
6.5G ccpnmr/ [++++++ ]
5.9G spider/ [++++++ ]
5.8G chimerax/ [++++++ ]
5.5G pyem/ [+++++ ]
5.3G raw/ [+++++ ]
5.1G transphire/ [+++++ ]
5.0G ilastik/ [+++++ ]
4.9G nmrpipe/ [+++++ ]
4.6G texlive/ [++++ ]
4.2G deepemhancer/ [++++ ]
4.0G restore/ [++++ ]
4.0G anaconda/ [++++ ]
3.6G spring/ [+++ ]
3.5G anvio/ [+++ ]
3.2G evcouplings/ [+++ ]
3.0G divcon/ [+++ ]
3.0G ccp4mg/ [+++ ]
2.9G rstudio/ [+++ ]
2.8G molprobity/ [++ ]
2.8G haruspex/ [++ ]
2.8G xplor/ [++ ]
2.7G scipion_academic/ [++ ]
2.6G denss/ [++ ]
2.6G imp/ [++ ]
2.5G crisprcasfinder/ [++ ]
2.4G blastplus/ [++ ]
2.4G namd/ [++ ]
2.2G kltpicker/ [++ ]
2.0G qt/ [++ ]
2.0G 3dfsc/ [++ ]
1.9G dock/ [++ ]
1.9G chimera/ [+ ]
1.9G pymol/ [+ ]
1.9G imod/ [+ ]
1.8G simple/ [+ ]
1.8G xmipp/ [+ ]
1.6G cp2k/ [+ ]
1.6G maxit/ [+ ]
1.5G openmpi/ [+ ]
1.4G qushape/ [+ ]
1.4G java/ [+ ]
1.3G geneious/ [+ ]
1.3G system/ [+ ]
1.3G openbabel/ [+ ]
1.2G nmrglue/ [+ ]
1.2G shapemapper2/ [+ ]
1.2G buster/ [+ ]
1.2G ffmpeg/ [+ ]
1.2G arp_warp/ [+ ]
1.1G cistem/ [+ ]
1.1G miso/ [+ ]
1.1G nmrfam-sparky/ [+ ]
1.1G hkl/ [+ ]
1.1G iplt/ [+ ]
1.1G deeptools/ [+ ]
1.0G cns/ [+ ]
1.0G modeller/ [+ ]
1.0G julia/ [+ ]
1.0G cryoid/ [+ ]
44.5G r/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
40.8G rosetta/ [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
32.3G schrodinger/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
22.1G ccp4/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
14.8G phenix/ [++++++++++++++++++ ]
14.8G pyrosetta/ [++++++++++++++++++ ]
14.5G python/ [+++++++++++++++++ ]
14.1G peet/ [+++++++++++++++++ ]
13.1G dynamo/ [++++++++++++++++ ]
10.7G tensorflow/ [+++++++++++++ ]
10.0G ambertools/ [++++++++++++ ]
9.6G pomona/ [+++++++++++ ]
8.5G eman2/ [++++++++++ ]
8.3G chimerax/ [++++++++++ ]
6.5G ccpem/ [+++++++ ]
5.3G ccpnmr/ [++++++ ]
5.1G dials/ [++++++ ]
5.0G pyem/ [++++++ ]
4.8G nmrpipe/ [+++++ ]
4.6G texlive/ [+++++ ]
3.8G cellprofiler/ [++++ ]
3.6G ilastik/ [++++ ]
3.6G anaconda/ [++++ ]
3.6G spider/ [++++ ]
3.3G anvio/ [++++ ]
3.3G ccp4mg/ [++++ ]
3.2G molprobity/ [+++ ]
3.0G rstudio/ [+++ ]
2.8G crisprcasfinder/ [+++ ]
2.6G raw/ [+++ ]
2.6G pymol/ [+++ ]
2.3G imp/ [++ ]
2.3G qt/ [++ ]
2.2G denss/ [++ ]
2.1G xplor/ [++ ]
2.0G simple/ [++ ]
2.0G xmipp/ [++ ]
1.9G blastplus/ [++ ]
1.8G spring/ [++ ]
1.8G chimera/ [++ ]
1.7G relax/ [++ ]
1.7G maxit/ [++ ]
1.6G ultrascan3/ [+ ]
1.3G imod/ [+ ]
1.3G nmrfam-sparky/ [+ ]
1.2G haddock/ [+ ]
1.2G java/ [+ ]
1.1G geneious/ [+ ]
1.1G csrosetta/ [+ ]
1.1G cns/ [+ ]
1.1G julia/ [+ ]
1.1G whatcheck/ [+ ]
1.1G focus/ [+ ]
9.6G cryolo/ [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
9.4G morda/ [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
5.6G texlive/ [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
5.1G balbes/ [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ]
This version of the page was edited by Jason Key at 2021-02-26 16:16:11. View the most recent version.