
Size breakdown for a typical SBGrid installation -- 20161201

Actual packages installed by site vary depending on licensing and requests. Packages can be removed on request.

210.8G x86_64-linux        [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
173.2G i386-mac            [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++         ]
 18.0G share               [+++                                           ]
  1.9K local               [                                              ]

x86_64-linux ( 210.8G )

 24.5G schrodinger                    [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
 16.6G rosetta                        [+++++++++++++++++++++++            ]
 15.7G phenix                         [++++++++++++++++++++++             ]
 10.5G ccp4                           [++++++++++++++                     ]
  8.2G system                         [+++++++++++                        ]
  6.7G scipion                        [+++++++++                          ]
  6.2G ambertools                     [++++++++                           ]
  6.1G coot                           [++++++++                           ]
  5.8G orca                           [++++++++                           ]
  5.5G ilastik                        [+++++++                            ]
  5.3G pyrosetta                      [+++++++                            ]
  5.2G spider                         [+++++++                            ]
  4.9G anaconda                       [+++++++                            ]
  4.2G xplor                          [+++++                              ]
  3.9G nmrpipe                        [+++++                              ]
  3.7G xmipp                          [+++++                              ]
  3.5G molprobity                     [++++                               ]
  3.3G dials                          [++++                               ]
  3.1G divcon                         [++++                               ]
  3.0G ccp4mg                         [++++                               ]
  2.8G spring                         [+++                                ]
  2.6G dynamo                         [+++                                ]
  2.4G python                         [+++                                ]
  2.3G mageckvispr                    [+++                                ]
  2.2G atsas                          [+++                                ]
  2.2G chimera                        [+++                                ]
  2.2G pymol                          [+++                                ]
  2.1G eman2                          [++                                 ]
  2.1G relion                         [++                                 ]
  1.9G blastplus                      [++                                 ]
  1.7G rstudio                        [++                                 ]
  1.6G geneious                       [++                                 ]
  1.5G peet                           [++                                 ]
  1.2G frealign                       [+                                  ]
  1.1G csrosetta                      [+                                  ]
  1.1G arp_warp                       [+                                  ]
  1.1G imp                            [+                                  ]
  1.1G iplt                           [+                                  ]
  1.0G cns                            [+                                  ]
  1.0G bsoft                          [+                                  ]
998.6M haddock                        [+                                  ]
968.3M ccpnmr                         [+                                  ]
933.4M buster                         [+                                  ]
826.3M shiftx2                        [+                                  ]
819.2M emboss                         [+                                  ]
812.9M autoproc                       [+                                  ]
807.6M em2em                          [+                                  ]
783.1M mgltools                       [+                                  ]
719.1M whatif                         [+                                  ]
717.9M rcsbtools                      [+                                  ]
702.1M imagic                         [                                   ]
643.8M r                              [                                   ]
612.8M whatcheck                      [                                   ]
599.4M qt                             [                                   ]
575.7M vlion                          [                                   ]
560.3M fiji                           [                                   ]
532.9M imagemagick                    [                                   ]
494.4M 3dna                           [                                   ]
472.7M caver                          [                                   ]
470.3M shelx-2013                     [                                   ]
442.1M balbes                         [                                   ]
427.7M mrc                            [                                   ]
416.9M ultrascan3                     [                                   ]
408.4M gromacs                        [                                   ]
405.6M relax                          [                                   ]
401.7M talosn                         [                                   ]
387.0M pdb_redo                       [                                   ]
381.8M hkl                            [                                   ]
374.6M dtrek_free                     [                                   ]
358.3M imod                           [                                   ]
352.1M motioncorr                     [                                   ]
334.9M modeller                       [                                   ]
333.2M 2dx                            [                                   ]
313.6M gorgon                         [                                   ]
297.7M perl                           [                                   ]
257.6M albula                         [                                   ]
251.1M simple                         [                                   ]
235.0M lafire                         [                                   ]
225.9M arcimboldo_lite                [                                   ]
219.0M mifit                          [                                   ]
215.6M apbs                           [                                   ]
210.9M openbabel                      [                                   ]
209.4M imagej                         [                                   ]
206.8M solve                          [                                   ]
204.0M cryoemtools                    [                                   ]
192.6M shelx                          [                                   ]
190.1M theseus                        [                                   ]
188.9M crystfel                       [                                   ]
188.6M caver_analyst                  [                                   ]
186.5M avogadro                       [                                   ]
179.5M norma                          [                                   ]
179.4M blast                          [                                   ]
177.5M sassie                         [                                   ]
175.3M namd                           [                                   ]
169.4M jalview                        [                                   ]
167.2M vmd                            [                                   ]
162.8M specview                       [                                   ]
158.1M gctf                           [                                   ]
154.4M mafft                          [                                   ]
153.6M imod_nma                       [                                   ]
153.3M tigris                         [                                   ]
152.7M ctffind4                       [                                   ]
147.9M pytom                          [                                   ]
144.8M tcltk                          [                                   ]
139.8M frodock                        [                                   ]
132.1M imosflm                        [                                   ]
131.7M aria                           [                                   ]
131.0M spire                          [                                   ]
130.4M raw                            [                                   ]
127.2M fuda                           [                                   ]
126.7M openmm                         [                                   ]
123.1M fasta                          [                                   ]
120.5M igv                            [                                   ]
117.8M unio                           [                                   ]
106.4M gamma                          [                                   ]
102.3M breseq                         [                                   ]
100.3M imodfit                        [                                   ]
 97.4M prospect                       [                                   ]
 89.6M urox                           [                                   ]
 88.6M xdsgui                         [                                   ]
 86.8M emip                           [                                   ]
 85.7M wxpython                       [                                   ]
 79.5M tcoffee                        [                                   ]
 77.3M vmd-xplor                      [                                   ]
 76.7M gnuplot                        [                                   ]
 73.3M cara                           [                                   ]
 72.6M sparky                         [                                   ]
 71.4M xds                            [                                   ]
 69.7M ghostscript                    [                                   ]
 68.5M suprim                         [                                   ]
 67.0M protomo                        [                                   ]
 66.8M globus_connect_personal        [                                   ]
 66.7M rsref                          [                                   ]
 65.8M eman                           [                                   ]
 60.3M priism                         [                                   ]
 57.1M mosflm                         [                                   ]
 56.7M pdb2pqr                        [                                   ]
 55.7M como                           [                                   ]
 55.5M gefrealign                     [                                   ]
 54.1M auto3dem                       [                                   ]
 48.3M mag_distortion                 [                                   ]
 47.9M dock                           [                                   ]
 47.5M bnp                            [                                   ]
 47.4M dps                            [                                   ]
 46.4M unblur                         [                                   ]
 45.6M ultrascan                      [                                   ]
 45.4M saxsview                       [                                   ]
 44.0M mmtsb                          [                                   ]
 42.1M ruby                           [                                   ]
 42.1M gerard                         [                                   ]
 41.7M resmap                         [                                   ]
 40.7M simulaid                       [                                   ]
 40.3M refmac                         [                                   ]
 40.0M nmrview                        [                                   ]
 39.5M staden                         [                                   ]
 35.8M mead                           [                                   ]
 34.1M graphviz                       [                                   ]
 33.0M appion                         [                                   ]
 32.7M sharp                          [                                   ]
 32.3M scatter                        [                                   ]
 30.7M stamp                          [                                   ]
 30.3M pymmlib                        [                                   ]
 29.9M profphd                        [                                   ]
 29.5M fpocket                        [                                   ]
 29.5M eden                           [                                   ]
 28.3M procheck                       [                                   ]
 28.1M ringer                         [                                   ]
 27.9M sam                            [                                   ]
 27.2M phases                         [                                   ]
 26.5M scwrl3                         [                                   ]
 26.1M summovie                       [                                   ]
 25.6M miso                           [                                   ]
 25.3M ctf                            [                                   ]
 25.0M rasmol                         [                                   ]
 23.2M ihrsr                          [                                   ]
 22.1M r2r                            [                                   ]
 21.7M nessy                          [                                   ]
 21.6M finddqe                        [                                   ]
 21.6M zephyr                         [                                   ]
 21.5M snb                            [                                   ]
 21.4M scwrl4                         [                                   ]
 20.1M wattos                         [                                   ]
 20.1M rdock                          [                                   ]
 19.7M bbhp                           [                                   ]
 19.3M concoord                       [                                   ]
 18.4M hole                           [                                   ]
 18.2M clustal                        [                                   ]
 18.2M rsref2000                      [                                   ]
 17.7M escet                          [                                   ]
 17.7M adxv                           [                                   ]
 17.6M phylip                         [                                   ]
 17.4M cmview                         [                                   ]
 17.2M replace                        [                                   ]
 17.1M direx                          [                                   ]
 17.0M mole                           [                                   ]
 16.5M redcat                         [                                   ]
 16.3M remediator                     [                                   ]
 16.2M molmol                         [                                   ]
 16.0M mrtailor                       [                                   ]
 15.5M xdrawchem                      [                                   ]
 15.5M dssp                           [                                   ]
 15.3M ligplus                        [                                   ]
 15.2M knuspr                         [                                   ]
 15.2M gautomatch                     [                                   ]
 15.0M main                           [                                   ]
 14.5M situs                          [                                   ]
 14.2M promals                        [                                   ]
 14.1M xeasy                          [                                   ]
 13.6M epmr                           [                                   ]
 13.4M assemble2                      [                                   ]
 13.4M o                              [                                   ]
 13.2M rnamlview                      [                                   ]
 13.2M xdsme                          [                                   ]
 12.7M povray                         [                                   ]
 12.5M pft3dr                         [                                   ]
 11.9M phoelix                        [                                   ]
 11.7M mcce                           [                                   ]
 11.6M modelfree                      [                                   ]
 11.4M particle                       [                                   ]
 11.4M finchtv                        [                                   ]
 11.3M tensor                         [                                   ]
 10.8M samtools                       [                                   ]
 10.7M frealix                        [                                   ]
 10.5M hydropro                       [                                   ]
 10.5M dyndom3d                       [                                   ]
 10.0M x3d                            [                                   ]
  9.9M espript                        [                                   ]
  9.9M raster3d                       [                                   ]
  9.3M embfactor                      [                                   ]
  9.3M entangle                       [                                   ]
  9.0M netblast                       [                                   ]
  8.9M bcftools                       [                                   ]
  8.8M isthms                         [                                   ]
  8.5M amps                           [                                   ]
  8.3M rnastructure                   [                                   ]
  7.9M elves                          [                                   ]
  7.3M spdbv                          [                                   ]
  7.0M module                         [                                   ]
  6.8M electra                        [                                   ]
  6.2M pgplot                         [                                   ]
  6.1M motioncor2                     [                                   ]
  6.0M a2ps                           [                                   ]
  5.9M aqua                           [                                   ]
  5.6M xv                             [                                   ]
  5.6M nucplot                        [                                   ]
  5.6M somore                         [                                   ]
  5.2M delphi                         [                                   ]
  5.1M grace                          [                                   ]
  5.0M veda                           [                                   ]
  4.6M plotutils                      [                                   ]
  4.4M weblogo                        [                                   ]
  4.3M curvesplus                     [                                   ]
  4.2M xdsi                           [                                   ]
  4.2M dino                           [                                   ]
  4.1M zdock                          [                                   ]
  4.0M vina                           [                                   ]
  3.8M solvate                        [                                   ]
  3.6M nedit                          [                                   ]
  3.6M ace2                           [                                   ]
  3.6M xdsstat                        [                                   ]
  3.3M ssaha2                         [                                   ]
  3.3M mmc                            [                                   ]
  3.2M h5toxds                        [                                   ]
  3.2M dyndom                         [                                   ]
  3.1M scc                            [                                   ]
  3.1M pdbstat                        [                                   ]
  3.1M superfold                      [                                   ]
  2.7M qushape                        [                                   ]
  2.6M signature                      [                                   ]
  2.6M aline                          [                                   ]
  2.5M alscript                       [                                   ]
  2.5M mammoth-mult                   [                                   ]
  2.5M primer3                        [                                   ]
  2.4M tiltpicker                     [                                   ]
  2.3M dssr                           [                                   ]
  2.1M dogpicker                      [                                   ]
  2.1M bfactor                        [                                   ]
  2.0M hbplus                         [                                   ]
  2.0M surfv                          [                                   ]
  2.0M plotmtv                        [                                   ]
  2.0M pales                          [                                   ]
  1.9M quilt                          [                                   ]
  1.9M diffmap                        [                                   ]
  1.8M crop                           [                                   ]
  1.8M pdbfixer                       [                                   ]
  1.8M xdscc12                        [                                   ]
  1.7M bin2mrc                        [                                   ]
  1.7M rnaview                        [                                   ]
  1.6M best                           [                                   ]
  1.6M molscript                      [                                   ]
  1.5M wasp                           [                                   ]
  1.5M xds-viewer                     [                                   ]
  1.5M madbend                        [                                   ]
  1.4M curves                         [                                   ]
  1.4M xrayview                       [                                   ]
  1.4M reduce                         [                                   ]
  1.3M autodock                       [                                   ]
  1.3M probe                          [                                   ]
  1.3M randomize                      [                                   ]
  1.2M untangle                       [                                   ]
  1.2M raspnmr                        [                                   ]
  1.2M cpmgfit                        [                                   ]
  1.0M muscle                         [                                   ]
992.2K surfnet                        [                                   ]
990.8K pdb-care                       [                                   ]
926.8K hkl2map                        [                                   ]
911.1K rmerge                         [                                   ]
895.0K ligplot                        [                                   ]
891.9K naccess                        [                                   ]
821.0K hydronmr                       [                                   ]
738.2K dowser                         [                                   ]
641.8K bobscript                      [                                   ]
635.8K rmeasure                       [                                   ]
582.8K molphy                         [                                   ]
539.8K qpack                          [                                   ]
485.3K profit                         [                                   ]
427.3K shapemapper                    [                                   ]
416.5K samviewer                      [                                   ]
367.0K probcons                       [                                   ]
363.7K matt                           [                                   ]
334.9K tkdiff                         [                                   ]
297.1K mes                            [                                   ]
212.2K amigos2                        [                                   ]
185.2K protskin                       [                                   ]
124.1K nuccyl                         [                                   ]
 77.4K yup                            [                                   ]
 76.0K surfrace                       [                                   ]
 63.9K fastmodelfree                  [                                   ]
 23.7K pipe2xeasy                     [                                   ]
  2.3K clustal-omega                  [                                   ]
   109 pandas                         [                                   ]
   108 numpy                          [                                   ]
   107 pysam                          [                                   ]
   106 pytz                           [                                   ]
    95 rcrane                         [                                   ]
    85 ccpnmr-chembuild               [                                   ]
    82 sparx                          [                                   ]
    74 biopython                      [                                   ]
    72 ipython                        [                                   ]
    70 scipy                          [                                   ]
    61 ebseq                          [                                   ]
    34 bioperl                        [                                   ]

i386-mac ( 173.2G )

 25.8G schrodinger                  [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
 13.0G rosetta                      [++++++++++++++++++                   ]
 11.4G phenix                       [++++++++++++++++                     ]
  9.1G ccp4                         [+++++++++++++                        ]
  8.8G pyrosetta                    [++++++++++++                         ]
  6.0G ambertools                   [++++++++                             ]
  5.3G orca                         [+++++++                              ]
  4.9G spring                       [+++++++                              ]
  4.1G ilastik                      [+++++                                ]
  3.8G anaconda                     [+++++                                ]
  3.8G spider                       [+++++                                ]
  3.4G csrosetta                    [++++                                 ]
  3.3G pymol                        [++++                                 ]
  3.2G python                       [++++                                 ]
  3.2G molprobity                   [++++                                 ]
  3.1G xmipp                        [++++                                 ]
  2.8G nmrpipe                      [++++                                 ]
  2.7G blastplus                    [+++                                  ]
  2.5G system                       [+++                                  ]
  2.5G ccp4mg                       [+++                                  ]
  2.5G dials                        [+++                                  ]
  2.5G atsas                        [+++                                  ]
  2.4G xplor                        [+++                                  ]
  2.3G chimera                      [+++                                  ]
  1.6G mageckvispr                  [++                                   ]
  1.6G relax                        [++                                   ]
  1.4G geneious                     [+                                    ]
  1.2G arp_warp                     [+                                    ]
  1.2G coot                         [+                                    ]
  1.1G ccpnmr                       [+                                    ]
  1.1G cns                          [+                                    ]
  1.1G whatcheck                    [+                                    ]
1021.4M eman2                        [+                                    ]
1003.1M imp                          [+                                    ]
990.7M shiftx2                      [+                                    ]
906.3M iplt                         [+                                    ]
888.3M 2dx                          [+                                    ]
862.8M mgltools                     [+                                    ]
843.5M emboss                       [+                                    ]
811.6M divcon                       [+                                    ]
805.5M rcsbtools                    [+                                    ]
802.7M em2em                        [+                                    ]
705.1M specview                     [                                     ]
701.8M r                            [                                     ]
652.0M buster                       [                                     ]
565.4M frealign                     [                                     ]
555.9M modeller                     [                                     ]
552.2M bsoft                        [                                     ]
534.1M imod                         [                                     ]
503.0M blast                        [                                     ]
499.2M ultrascan3                   [                                     ]
496.2M 3dna                         [                                     ]
483.4M solve                        [                                     ]
472.7M caver                        [                                     ]
466.7M gromacs                      [                                     ]
463.5M fiji                         [                                     ]
455.4M gorgon                       [                                     ]
452.4M balbes                       [                                     ]
428.3M dynamo                       [                                     ]
395.1M talosn                       [                                     ]
379.9M pymmlib                      [                                     ]
372.0M hkl                          [                                     ]
366.7M autoproc                     [                                     ]
353.8M dssp                         [                                     ]
335.7M imosflm                      [                                     ]
330.9M qt                           [                                     ]
325.0M relion                       [                                     ]
323.8M mrc                          [                                     ]
305.2M ultrascan                    [                                     ]
301.2M rstudio                      [                                     ]
296.9M simple                       [                                     ]
274.7M albula                       [                                     ]
273.7M avogadro                     [                                     ]
254.0M imagemagick                  [                                     ]
236.1M shelx-2013                   [                                     ]
227.4M lafire                       [                                     ]
213.8M eman                         [                                     ]
204.7M mafft                        [                                     ]
200.6M caver_analyst                [                                     ]
196.0M cryoemtools                  [                                     ]
193.6M theseus                      [                                     ]
187.9M spdbv                        [                                     ]
183.6M perl                         [                                     ]
182.9M dtrek_free                   [                                     ]
171.6M rnastructure                 [                                     ]
170.4M auto3dem                     [                                     ]
164.8M apbs                         [                                     ]
164.6M spire                        [                                     ]
158.4M tcltk                        [                                     ]
151.4M igv                          [                                     ]
146.0M tigris                       [                                     ]
143.8M unio                         [                                     ]
143.0M raw                          [                                     ]
142.7M sparky                       [                                     ]
131.3M shelx                        [                                     ]
131.1M nmrview                      [                                     ]
126.0M vmd                          [                                     ]
125.6M crystfel                     [                                     ]
123.9M mosflm                       [                                     ]
120.8M openmm                       [                                     ]
120.3M refmac                       [                                     ]
119.9M jalview                      [                                     ]
111.5M breseq                       [                                     ]
107.2M clustal                      [                                     ]
105.5M xdsgui                       [                                     ]
104.8M dock                         [                                     ]
102.2M fasta                        [                                     ]
102.0M ghostscript                  [                                     ]
100.9M gamma                        [                                     ]
 91.5M tcoffee                      [                                     ]
 90.0M graphviz                     [                                     ]
 77.2M vmd-xplor                    [                                     ]
 74.3M wxpython                     [                                     ]
 67.3M xds                          [                                     ]
 65.8M priism                       [                                     ]
 63.3M raspnmr                      [                                     ]
 63.1M gerard                       [                                     ]
 62.2M bbhp                         [                                     ]
 58.5M pytom                        [                                     ]
 56.0M como                         [                                     ]
 55.1M ctffind4                     [                                     ]
 54.8M emip                         [                                     ]
 54.7M sharp                        [                                     ]
 53.4M namd                         [                                     ]
 51.4M finchtv                      [                                     ]
 50.6M pdb2pqr                      [                                     ]
 49.8M openbabel                    [                                     ]
 48.5M openmotif                    [                                     ]
 46.8M staden                       [                                     ]
 44.2M mmtsb                        [                                     ]
 43.6M suprim                       [                                     ]
 43.5M lib                          [                                     ]
 42.9M ligplot                      [                                     ]
 37.8M phoelix                      [                                     ]
 37.4M simulaid                     [                                     ]
 35.6M profphd                      [                                     ]
 34.8M haddock                      [                                     ]
 34.3M main                         [                                     ]
 33.7M adxv                         [                                     ]
 33.4M sam                          [                                     ]
 32.9M xrayview                     [                                     ]
 32.3M scatter                      [                                     ]
 31.5M cara                         [                                     ]
 31.4M aria                         [                                     ]
 31.3M scwrl4                       [                                     ]
 31.0M knuspr                       [                                     ]
 30.5M situs                        [                                     ]
 29.2M stamp                        [                                     ]
 29.2M ruby                         [                                     ]
 29.1M pdb_redo                     [                                     ]
 28.1M ringer                       [                                     ]
 27.0M fpocket                      [                                     ]
 26.2M pft3dr                       [                                     ]
 25.8M o                            [                                     ]
 25.5M globus_connect_personal      [                                     ]
 24.5M imodfit                      [                                     ]
 24.4M phylip                       [                                     ]
 24.0M raster3d                     [                                     ]
 22.6M gnuplot                      [                                     ]
 21.9M molmol                       [                                     ]
 20.5M appion                       [                                     ]
 20.4M ace2                         [                                     ]
 19.7M imagej                       [                                     ]
 19.6M direx                        [                                     ]
 19.2M promals                      [                                     ]
 18.9M resmap                       [                                     ]
 18.6M eden                         [                                     ]
 18.3M ligplus                      [                                     ]
 18.3M miso                         [                                     ]
 17.9M xds-viewer                   [                                     ]
 17.9M ctf                          [                                     ]
 17.4M cmview                       [                                     ]
 17.1M mole                         [                                     ]
 16.9M redcat                       [                                     ]
 16.7M snb                          [                                     ]
 16.4M r2r                          [                                     ]
 16.3M remediator                   [                                     ]
 15.5M mrtailor                     [                                     ]
 15.4M replace                      [                                     ]
 13.4M assemble2                    [                                     ]
 13.3M netblast                     [                                     ]
 13.2M xdsme                        [                                     ]
 13.1M rnamlview                    [                                     ]
 12.8M povray                       [                                     ]
 12.7M mcce                         [                                     ]
 12.7M reduce                       [                                     ]
 12.5M mpich                        [                                     ]
 11.2M hole                         [                                     ]
 11.2M tensor                       [                                     ]
 10.9M espript                      [                                     ]
 10.9M nessy                        [                                     ]
 10.6M dino                         [                                     ]
 10.5M dyndom3d                     [                                     ]
 10.4M electra                      [                                     ]
 10.4M rasmol                       [                                     ]
 10.0M mead                         [                                     ]
  9.5M openmpi                      [                                     ]
  9.3M entangle                     [                                     ]
  9.3M phases                       [                                     ]
  8.2M surfnet                      [                                     ]
  8.1M pgplot                       [                                     ]
  8.0M procheck                     [                                     ]
  7.9M elves                        [                                     ]
  7.9M particle                     [                                     ]
  7.3M zdock                        [                                     ]
  6.4M grace                        [                                     ]
  6.3M somore                       [                                     ]
  5.9M nucplot                      [                                     ]
  5.7M xv                           [                                     ]
  5.5M amps                         [                                     ]
  5.4M module                       [                                     ]
  5.3M nedit                        [                                     ]
  4.9M vina                         [                                     ]
  4.8M modelfree                    [                                     ]
  4.8M mmc                          [                                     ]
  4.4M a2ps                         [                                     ]
  4.4M epmr                         [                                     ]
  4.4M samtools                     [                                     ]
  4.4M signature                    [                                     ]
  4.3M aqua                         [                                     ]
  4.2M xdsi                         [                                     ]
  3.9M weblogo                      [                                     ]
  3.9M isthms                       [                                     ]
  3.8M delphi                       [                                     ]
  3.8M solvate                      [                                     ]
  3.7M plotutils                    [                                     ]
  3.7M bobscript                    [                                     ]
  3.6M autodock                     [                                     ]
  3.4M ssaha2                       [                                     ]
  3.3M curvesplus                   [                                     ]
  3.2M pdb-care                     [                                     ]
  3.2M fftw                         [                                     ]
  3.1M bcftools                     [                                     ]
  3.0M aline                        [                                     ]
  3.0M pales                        [                                     ]
  3.0M embfactor                    [                                     ]
  2.8M quilt                        [                                     ]
  2.7M qushape                      [                                     ]
  2.5M dssr                         [                                     ]
  2.4M saxsview                     [                                     ]
  2.4M profit                       [                                     ]
  2.3M rnaview                      [                                     ]
  2.3M diffmap                      [                                     ]
  2.3M dyndom                       [                                     ]
  2.2M mammoth-mult                 [                                     ]
  2.2M plotmtv                      [                                     ]
  2.2M bfactor                      [                                     ]
  2.1M concoord                     [                                     ]
  1.9M xdsstat                      [                                     ]
  1.9M scc                          [                                     ]
  1.8M x3d                          [                                     ]
  1.8M hbplus                       [                                     ]
  1.7M molphy                       [                                     ]
  1.6M curves                       [                                     ]
  1.6M probe                        [                                     ]
  1.5M primer3                      [                                     ]
  1.4M rmerge                       [                                     ]
  1.2M cpmgfit                      [                                     ]
  1.1M rmeasure                     [                                     ]
  1.1M molscript                    [                                     ]
  1.0M muscle                       [                                     ]
878.2K hkl2map                      [                                     ]
819.8K best                         [                                     ]
723.0K xdscc12                      [                                     ]
683.6K wasp                         [                                     ]
622.1K dowser                       [                                     ]
597.1K pdbfixer                     [                                     ]
527.6K superfold                    [                                     ]
522.6K qpack                        [                                     ]
483.4K shapemapper                  [                                     ]
420.8K surfv                        [                                     ]
416.6K samviewer                    [                                     ]
396.6K probcons                     [                                     ]
380.6K matt                         [                                     ]
334.9K tkdiff                       [                                     ]
315.3K crop                         [                                     ]
298.8K mes                          [                                     ]
212.1K amigos2                      [                                     ]
208.5K naccess                      [                                     ]
185.1K protskin                     [                                     ]
149.8K yup                          [                                     ]
122.5K nuccyl                       [                                     ]
 87.5K surfrace                     [                                     ]
 63.9K fastmodelfree                [                                     ]
 30.6K pipe2xeasy                   [                                     ]
   102 cython                       [                                     ]
   100 pandas                       [                                     ]
    99 numpy                        [                                     ]
    81 ccpnmr-chembuild             [                                     ]
    74 sparx                        [                                     ]
    73 rcrane                       [                                     ]
    68 biopython                    [                                     ]
    68 ipython                      [                                     ]
    67 pysam                        [                                     ]
    67 scipy                        [                                     ]
    65 bioperl                      [                                     ]
    65 pytz                         [                                     ]
    57 ebseq                        [                                     ]