
Size breakdown for a typical SBGrid installation -- 20190501

Actual packages installed by site vary depending on licensing and requests. Packages can be removed on request.

418.5G x86_64-linux      [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
284.9G i386-mac          [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                ]
 11.9G share             [+                                               ]

x86_64-linux ( 325G )


33.9G schrodinger                    [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
 32.5G rosetta                        [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  ]
 26.3G orca                           [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++        ]
 23.8G cryolo                         [++++++++++++++++++++++++           ]
 19.1G pyrosetta                      [+++++++++++++++++++                ]
 11.2G ccp4                           [+++++++++++                        ]
 10.1G eman2                          [++++++++++                         ]
 10.1G pomona                         [++++++++++                         ]
  8.9G relion                         [+++++++++                          ]
  8.6G phenix                         [++++++++                           ]
  7.9G ambertools                     [++++++++                           ]
  7.3G peet                           [+++++++                            ]
  6.6G ccpem                          [++++++                             ]
  6.6G dynamo                         [++++++                             ]
  6.3G acemd                          [++++++                             ]
  6.3G spider                         [++++++                             ]
  6.3G cuda                           [++++++                             ]
  6.3G sphire                         [++++++                             ]
  6.2G python                         [++++++                             ]
  5.7G ilastik                        [+++++                              ]
  5.5G scipion                        [+++++                              ]
  5.4G dials                          [+++++                              ]
  5.2G coot                           [+++++                              ]
  5.1G topaz                          [+++++                              ]
  5.0G tensorflow                     [+++++                              ]
  5.0G raw                            [+++++                              ]
  4.6G cellprofiler                   [++++                               ]
  4.2G texlive                        [++++                               ]
  4.1G spring                         [++++                               ]
  4.1G nmrpipe                        [++++                               ]
  3.9G gromacs                        [++++                               ]
  3.8G divcon                         [+++                                ]
  3.7G r                              [+++                                ]
  3.6G molprobity                     [+++                                ]
  3.6G xplor                          [+++                                ]
  3.3G anaconda                       [+++                                ]
  3.2G shapemapper2                   [+++                                ]
  3.2G imp                            [+++                                ]
  3.1G morda                          [+++                                ]
  3.0G ccp4mg                         [+++                                ]
  2.8G denss                          [++                                 ]
  2.6G chimerax                       [++                                 ]
  2.5G pyem                           [++                                 ]
  2.1G rstudio                        [++                                 ]
  2.0G qt                             [++                                 ]
  2.0G cp2k                           [++                                 ]
  2.0G xmipp                          [++                                 ]
  1.9G chimera                        [+                                  ]
  1.8G geneious                       [+                                  ]
  1.8G pymol                          [+                                  ]
  1.7G system                         [+                                  ]
  1.6G atsas                          [+                                  ]  
  1.5G openmm                         [+                                  ]
  1.5G ccpnmr                         [+                                  ]
  1.4G imod                           [+                                  ]
  1.3G buster                         [+                                  ]
  1.3G autoproc                       [+                                  ]
  1.2G miso                           [+                                  ]
  1.2G bsoft                          [+                                  ]
  1.2G arp_warp                       [+                                  ]
  1.2G blastplus                      [+                                  ]
  1.1G cistem                         [+                                  ]
  1.1G java                           [+                                  ]
  1.1G iplt                           [+                                  ]
  1.0G cns                            [+                                  ]
  1.0G mageckvispr                    [+                                  ]

i386-mac ( 236G )


28.7G schrodinger                  [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
23.8G rosetta                      [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++       ]
19.4G pyrosetta                    [+++++++++++++++++++++++++            ]
15.0G orca                         [+++++++++++++++++++                  ]
11.8G python                       [+++++++++++++++                      ]
 9.6G pomona                       [++++++++++++                         ]
 9.4G ccp4                         [++++++++++++                         ]
 7.8G phenix                       [++++++++++                           ]
 7.6G ambertools                   [+++++++++                            ]
 5.9G peet                         [+++++++                              ]
 5.7G spring                       [+++++++                              ]
 5.5G ccpem                        [+++++++                              ]
 4.9G eman2                        [++++++                               ]
 4.4G imp                          [+++++                                ]
 4.3G ilastik                      [+++++                                ]
 4.2G texlive                      [+++++                                ]
 4.2G nmrpipe                      [+++++                                ]
 4.0G r                            [+++++                                ]
 3.8G spider                       [++++                                 ]
 3.8G dials                        [++++                                 ]
 3.3G molprobity                   [++++                                 ]
 3.1G chimera                      [++++                                 ]
 3.1G dynamo                       [++++                                 ]
 3.1G morda                        [+++                                  ]
 3.0G cellprofiler                 [+++                                  ]
 2.9G anaconda                     [+++                                  ]
 2.9G pyem                         [+++                                  ]
 2.5G ccp4mg                       [+++                                  ]
 2.4G divcon                       [+++                                  ]
 2.4G qt                           [+++                                  ]
 2.4G denss                        [+++                                  ]
 2.4G xmipp                        [+++                                  ]
 2.1G xplor                        [++                                   ]
 2.0G pymol                        [++                                   ]
 2.0G chimerax                     [++                                   ]
 1.9G raw                          [++                                   ]
 1.8G relion                       [++                                   ]
 1.8G atsas                        [++                                   ]
 1.7G relax                        [++                                   ]
 1.6G ultrascan3                   [++                                   ]
 1.6G geneious                     [++                                   ]
 1.5G sphire                       [+                                    ]
 1.3G csrosetta                    [+                                    ]
 1.3G imod                         [+                                    ]
 1.2G arp_warp                     [+                                    ]
 1.2G coot                         [+                                    ]
 1.1G system                       [+                                    ]
 1.1G rstudio                      [+                                    ]
 1.1G cns                          [+                                    ]
 1.1G nmrfam-sparky                [+                                    ]
 1.1G whatcheck                    [+                                    ]
 1.1G blastplus                    [+                                    ]
 1.0G ccpnmr                       [+                                    ]

share ( 9.6G )


5.1G balbes                    [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
1.9G cryolo                    [++++++++++++++                          ]
1.2G pymol                     [+++++++++                               ]