
Installing the SBGrid software collection

The SBGrid Software Suite contains 440+ Scientific software applications for Linux and OS X.

The software collection can be installed using either our graphical or command-line installation manager:

We also have a script-based installation for Unix systems that are not compatible with the Linux and macOS installatino managers(BSD, AIX, etc).

Site installation

An SBGrid installation that includes the complete software collection for Linux and/or MacOS.

One of the primary benefits of an SBGrid software installation is that it is a curated and actively managed software stack. New titles are added, obsolete versions are removed, and updates happen automatically. New software and bug fixes are only an email request away ( without required system administration. While the installation configuration is flexible (CLI/GUI, title/versions, Linux/macOS, etc), this is the recommended mode of installation for most workstations and clusters, large labs, or shared departmental installations using network file storage for their program stack.

Graphical installation for MacOS

A Graphical stand-alone installation manager for MacOS

The MacOS GUI installation manager allows users to select the applications they need when they need them through a graphical application. Applications are updated on a rolling basis and are available to the user at their convenience. Updates are reported when available, but are managed by the user.

Command line installation manager for Linux and MacOS

Command line installation using the SBGrid package managager program for Linux and MacOS

The SBGrid CLI tool 'sbgrid-cli' allows users to choose the titles they wish to install using a command-line driven package manager. Applications can be installed and updated as convenient. Updates are released on a rolling basis and can be installed by the user as necessary. This program can be made automatic or used in manual mode.

Member labs may use any/all of the installation types above for as many Computers as they require.