... ...
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ where the target path is writable. With --target, activation does not require s
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The application will prompt for a site name and key which was provided by email. After this is entered and confirmed the software will be installed. A cron task is created for update checks.
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-The manual creation of the "/programs" symlink to the target installation directory will be required, but only for machines running the software. /programs is not needed for updates or servers that host the programs as a network share.
+The manual creation of the "/programs" symlink to the target installation directory will be required, but only for machines running the software. /programs is not needed for updates or servers that host the programs as a network share. The '--skip-folder-checking' flag can be used to install without creation of /programs or directly into an existing /programs path.
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### Post-Install Steps: