... ...
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ The `sbgrid-cli` install manager uses 'sudo' for priveleged installation tasks.
42 42
43 43
While not strictly required, we recommend a dedicated 'sbgrid' user account for software management, particularly on multiuser systems. This ensures the software can't be modified by user accounts and that data won't be mistakenly saved into the software stack and lost inadvertantly during software updates. The `sbgrid-cli` program will add and remove software. **If user data files are accidentally saved into the software collection, they are likely to be lost.**
44 44
+Apple Silicon macs will need to install **Rosetta2** to use sbgrid-cli and most of the SBGrid software collection. Rosetta2 can be installed with this command:
+/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta
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### Installation
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The `sbgrid-cli` program is a single executable and does not have any dependencies or requirements.