... ...
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AlphaFold requires a set of (large) genetic databases that must be downloaded se
29 29
These databases can be downloaded with the included download script and the aria2c program, both of which are available in the SBGrid collection. Note that these databases are large in size (> 2Tb) and may require a significant amount of time to download.
30 30
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-/programs/x86_64-linux/alphafold/2.1.1/alphafold/scripts/download_all_data.sh <destination path>
+/programs/x86_64-linux/alphafold/2.2.0/alphafold/scripts/download_all_data.sh <destination path>
33 33
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The database directory shouuld look like this :
... ...
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- Unified memory across GPUs does not appear to work in the current version.
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- The `ptxas` executable is required to be in PATH in some cases, but not all. We can not redistribute this binary since it is part of the NVIDIA CUDA SDK. Unfortunately, must be installed separetely and added to the environment PATH variable, typically in `/usr/local/cuda/bin`. Version 11.0.3 works well in our hands, but other CUDA versions should also work. [You can download the SDK here : https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit-archive](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit-archive)
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- Clashes bewtween monomers have been reported in some cases in multimer mode
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