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In order to run AlphaFlow with SBGrid you must:
Obtain the alphaflow model weights
Obtain MSAs for your sequences
These steps are included in the example script below. We use a test input csv file provided with AlphaFlow.
Edit the project_dir variable to point to your own project directory.
## AlphaFlow Example
## Dec 3, 2024
source /programs/sbgrid.shrc
export ALPHAFLOW_X=20241203_86d7606
cd ${project_dir}
## Get weights
## AlphaFlow-PDB distilled
mkdir weights
wget -P ./weights
## Sample input file
## edit to contain just one sequence for testing
cp ${verdir}/alphaflow/splits/atlas_test.csv ./
## Generate MSAs from colabfold
python.alphaflow ${verdir}/alphaflow/scripts/ --split ./atlas_test.csv --outdir ./msa
## Run model
python.alphaflow ${verdir}/alphaflow/ --mode alphafold --input_csv ${project_dir}/atlas_test.csv --msa_dir ${project_dir}/msa --weights ${project_dir}/weights/ --samples 1 --outpdb ${project_dir}/out_pdb
This version of the page was edited by James Vincent at 2024-12-03 19:29:27. View the most recent version.