
SBGrid provides a comprehensive system administration support for all Linux computers, remotely and on site at the Heldwein lab.

Get Help

For general questions and support, email SBGrid at help@sbgrid.org and include your name and the name of your lab.

Email questions about your software installation to bugs@sbgrid.org.

New lab members should contact help@sbgrid.org to complete their initial setup.


SBGrid supports Linux computers in the Heldwein Lab.


Setup on Linux Computers: The Linux computers share authentication and data directories and can be only accessed locally from within the lab. Home directories are located at /nfs/home/<username>.

You can access the SBGrid Software Collection via /programs.

User Accounts

To create or delete your account, please contact SBGrid help.


Backups of /nfs/home, which is hosted via Tufts NAS, are performed by the IT group at Tufts University.

General IT Support

Support for office computing and networking is provided by Tufts IT.