SBGrid provides comprehensive system administration support for all Linux & Mac computers at the Blacklow Lab at HMS, and for all Linux systems used by the Kruse and Rapoport Labs.
The Kruse & Rapoport Labs should contact HMS-IT for assistance with Mac and Windows systems.
New SBGrid-supported computers need to be registered to access the network.
All SBGrid-supported systems are located on an integrated, private network segment. To reach this network for access to local resources from an external location, please ssh to crystal.harvard.edu.
Get Help
For general questions, email SBGrid at help@sbgrid.org and include your name and the name of your lab. Email questions about your software installation to bugs@sbgrid.org.
New lab members should contact help@sbgrid.org to complete their initial setup.
The Kruse and Rapoport labs should contact HMS-IT for assistance with Mac & Windows systems.
Email Access
Most Blacklow, Hogle, and Rapoport lab members use email provided by HMS, Harvard University, or other institutions. Lab members may choose to have a Crystal Google account with access to email and other Google services. If you wish to have an account, email help@sbgrid.org and cc your PI in the request.
Email Lists
Blacklow Lab
We have two mailing lists for the Blacklow lab.
- For contacting DFCI Members
- For contacting HMS Members
Archives can viewed online, but you will need to have @crystal.harvard.edu email to view these archives. All members of each list will see all emails sent to their list.
To view the DFCI archive:
To view the HMS archive:
Members can post to the groups using the email addresses above.
Contact Professor Blacklow or his assistant Jill Dolan if you are not currently a member of this list and wish to be added.
Brown Lab
The Brown lab at HMS has a private Google group for internal communications and communications from the SBGrid.
To view the Browb lab Google group go to:
To post to the Brown lab Google group, send your email to:
Contact Professor Kruse if you are not currently a member of this list and wish to be added.
Kruse Lab
The Kruse lab at HMS has a private Google group for internal communications and communications from the SBGrid.
To view the Kruse lab Google group go to:
To post to the Kruse lab Google group, send your email to:
Contact Professor Kruse if you are not currently a member of this list and wish to be added.
Rapoport Lab
The Rapoport lab at HMS has a private Google group for internal communications and communications from the SBGrid.
To view the Rapoport lab Google group go to:
To post to the Rapoport lab Google group, send your email to:
Contact Professor Rapoport if you are not currently a member of this list and wish to be added.
SBGrid supports Linux computers in the Blacklow, Kruse, and Rapoport labs and also provides the Blacklow lab with support for Mac systems. The Kruse and Rapoport labs should contact HMS-IT for Mac or Windows support.
Most Linux computers use network accounts, which means that your home directory is on a network storage server and is backed up. If you accidentally delete important files, please let us know as soon as possible and we may be able to restore the file for you.
Linux systems have network home directories and can access the SBGrid programs tree via /programs. See this link for information on how to access the software.
We support Mac systems for the only for the Blacklow & Brown Labs. The Kruse and Rapoport Labs should contact HMS-IT for assistance. To access the SBGrid programs tree from your Mac, please email help@sbgrid.org for assistance.
Mac computers rely on either network accounts or local accounts. We will soon transition all Mac computers to local accounts because many people have encountered problems with network accounts on Macs.
For Macs with local accounts, users will have administrative access with permission to install and update software. The SBGrid Installer will be used to access the SBGid software tree and will allow users to install and update the software independently. These computers are backed up via Crashplan, which is hosted by HMS. If your Mac is not backed up, or you receive warning messages about Crashplan backup failures, please contact us immediately to ensure that no data is lost.
If Crashplan is not currently installed on your Mac, please contact SBGrid to determine if Crashplan should be installed.
Blacklow Instruments Computers
Brandon Zimmerman and Tom Seegar support the Windows instruments systems. SBGrid is available to assist, but if you encounter problems on the weekend and SBGrid staff are unavailable, please contact HMS-IT.
HMS Crashplan should be used to backup all systems on the network. If you are setting up a new instrument, please let us know in advance so we can assist with setup and enable backups. Systems that are not on the network should have their hard drive cloned in the event of a hard drive failure.
Instrument systems should not be used for browsing the Web. If you encounter any problems with these machines, please contact SBGrid as soon as possible.
EM Facility
To access the EM Facility in the basement of SGM, please contact Zongi Li or Melissa Chambers.
If you need a data directory created on the EM systems, please email SBGrid and cc Zongi Li. Please remember that data directories on the EM systems are not backed up. It is essential that you store your data elsewhere.