Connecting to SBGrid VPN

The VPN will give you access to the SBGrid Network. The VPN is for SBGrid ARC Members at CMCD supported Labs in the Boston Area. It is not for Consortium members.

If we detect that you haven’t used your VPN access in 3 months, we’ll disable your VPN access.

Members using macOS

Installation Steps

  1. Email the SBGrid at
  2. Download and extract the file we email to you, you will need it later.
  3. Download Tunnelblick.
  4. Open the Tunnelblick Package
  5. Double-Click on the Tunnelblick icon to start the Installer
  6. Start Tunnelblick
  7. Click on "I have configuration files"
  8. Follow the instructions (drag the .ovpn file to the Tunnelblick Icon)
  9. A Window will appear, click "Only Me"

Start the VPN

  1. Start Tunnelblick if it's not already running
  2. Click on the Tunnelblick icon
  3. Then click on "Connect"
  4. Enter your SBGrid username and password
  5. This is the same as your ssh login
  6. If you receive a warning stating that your computer's apparent public IP hasn't changed - this is normal. Just check "Do not check for IP address changes" box and click OK.

Stop the VPN

  1. Click on the Tunnelblick icon
  2. Then click on "Disconnect"

Members using Windows

These instructions are based on a prior Windows 10 installation and have not been tested as written. For limited support, e-mail ###

  1. Ensure your Windows installation is up-to-date and protected by anti-virus software.
  2. Download and unpack the file we email to you, you will need it later.
  3. Download and install the openvpn "community" client.
  4. Through the client, Import the *.ovpn configuration from the unpacked zip archive.
  5. Through the client, Edit Config to provide full file paths on the lines starting with pkcs12 and tls-auth, respectively.
  6. During Connecting, use your SBGrid Linux account credentials when prompted.
  7. You may have to address SBGrid remote hosts using their IP address.
  8. Disconnect to exit the VPN.