
The SBGrid provides comprehensive system administration support for Linux, Mac, & Windows computers used by the Harrison and Chou Labs at HMS. Most of these computers are located on the first floor of the SGM and are located on the SBGrid’s private network. New computers need to be registered to access the network.

To reach this network from an external location please ssh to crystal.harvard.edu, and access your local resources from there.

Get Help

Email the SBGrid at help@sbgrid.org and please include the name of your Lab as we get many emails each day and don’t always know what Lab you are a member of.

Email Access

Lab members have access to a Crystal Google Account providing Email and other Google Services, including Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Docs, Spreadsheet, and more. To access mail go to the following address and you will be redirected to Gmail:

Go to the following address to access Google Calendar:

If that doesn't work go to:

Login using your username@crystal.harvard.edu Google account.

If you do not have an account please contact help@sbgrid.org to request one and CC your PI in the request.

Cannot include /faqs/using-your-crystal-harvard-edu-email-address - does not exist yet

See faqs/using-crystal-google-apps for more detailed information on how to use Email, Calendaring.

Email Lists

Harrison Lab

The Harrison Lab at SGM has a private Google group for internal communications and for communications from the SBGrid.

It's viewable by members on the Web at:

Members of the list can email it at:

To be added to the list please contact Karen Lee.

Chou Lab

The Chou Lab has a private Google group for internal communications and for communications from the SBGrid.

It's viewable by members on the Web at:

Members of the list can email it at:

To be added to the list please seek approval from Professor Chou.


We have two types of Crystal accounts, which can be confusing:

  • Linux access via ssh to crystal.harvard.edu
  • Google Account https://crystal.harvard.edu/mail

The SBGrid manages both of these, but they are different accounts. The first gives you access to Linux systems in the Lab and the second gives you access to our Crystal Gmail and other Google apps. To make life easier we use the same username for both, but different passwords.


The SBGrid support Linux, Mac, and Windows computers in the Harrison & Chou Labs.


Most Linux computers use network accounts, this means that your home directory is on a network storage server and is backed up. If you accidentally delete important files please let us know as soon as possible and we may be able to restore the file for you.

Linux systems have network home directories and access to the SBGrid programs tree (via /programs). See this link for information on how to access the software.


Currently Mac computers in these labs are a mixture of differing types of network accounts and local accounts. Later this year we will transition all Mac computers away from using network accounts due to the many issues people have with Macs & network accounts.

Macs with Local Accounts will have Administrative access to their Macs which will allow them to install and update Software without request that the SBGrid do so for them. Also, the SBGrid Software tree will not be remotely accessible and users will use the SBGrid Installer to install and update Software themselves. These are backed up to Crashplan hosted by HMS. If your Mac is not backed, or you receive warning or messages about Crashplan please contact ASAP as we want to ensure you do not lose any data.

Windows Computers

There are Windows Computers used by instruments in the Labs. These should not be used for browsing the Web and if there are any issues please contact the SBGrid as soon as possible. If the SBGrid is not available please contact HMS-IT, you will need to inform them which building and floor you are located. Do let the SBGrid know that you have contacted HMS-IT so that we liaise with them.

Data Collection

There is a Mac Mini named bcmp-remotedata-macmini for use in collecting data from beamlines.

Harrison Lab members can share data via this Network directory: /nfs/userdocs/sch/COMMON

Chou Lab members can share data via this Network directory: /nfs/userdocs/jc/COMMON

EM Facility

If you need to use the EM Facility in the basement of SGM, please contact Zongi Li or Melissa Chambers.

If you need a data directory created on the EM systems please email the SBGrid and CC Zongli Li. Please remember that data directories on the EM systems is not backed up and to keep a copy of your data elsewhere.