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             C o n s o r t i u m

Welcome to the SBGrid Consortium Wiki

This site provides information on how to install, use, and get help with your SBGrid software installation. Here you can also find information about SBGrid services. Please let us know if you have questions.

Recent Posts

2021.02.02 - new sbgrid-cli version, 2.1.5

2021.02.01 - new sbgrid-cli version, 2.1.4

2021.01.13 - new sbgrid-cli version, 2.1.3

2021.01.12 - new sbgrid-cli version, 2.1.2

2021.01.06 - new sbgrid-cli version, 2.1.1

2020.12.01 - MacOS 11 "Big Sur" compatibility

2020.10.27 - Examples on changing COOT verions

2020.11.13 - SBGrid Installation Mangager registration is here

2020.11.13 - SBGrid Installation Mangager downloads

2020.11.13 - MacOS 10.15 catalina is supported