AlphaPulldown 2.0.0b2 is the new default. With 2.0 AlphaPulldown has an updated computing environment, introduces folding_backend, allows the user to pad input matrices to desired number of MSAs and residues to improve speed and avoid unnecessary re-compiling of the AlphaFold neural network, intorduces a new way of modeling with customized structure templates that don't require recalculating features,
separates post-modelling processes from prediction process, supports full mmseqs2 mode, and adds calculations of average PAE value of interface residues, average plDDT value of interface residues, and of binding energy via pyRosetta value of interfaces to the analysis_pipeline.
BOWTIE2 was updated to 2.5.4, which adds the --sam-opt-config command line option for toggling SAM Opt flags along with several bug fixes.
code-server 4.90.1 is new to SBGrid. code-server allows users to run VS Code on any machine and access it in the browser.
cryodrgn 3.3.2 makes some improvements to tools used in writing and parsing .star files, as well as addressing a few bugs.
crYOLO 1.9.9 fixes a few bugs.
DRGN-AI is another new title. DRGN-AI turns a collection of single particle cryo-EM images into a continuous ensemble of 3D structures.
GROMACS was updated to 2024-1. Version 2024 allows native use of the Colvars library, simplifying advanced enhanced sampling simulations, reduces artifacts from Lennard-Jones pair interactions on the pressure by a configurable increase of the Verlet buffer, corrects several aspects of the deform option so that simulations with box deformation behave correctly under high shear or when a solid or membrane fractures, and the deform option is now suitable for computing viscosities. There is a new option for hydrogen mass repartitioning in grompp, improvements to AWH, such as better control of the histogram growth factor as well as enabling automatic scaling of the target distribution based on the AWH friction metric, and new options to configure HeFFTe multi-GPU FFT to fine-tune the settings.
MMseqs2 15-6f452 is the new default. MMseqs2 Release 15 brings efficient single query searches with low memory overhead through the new ungapped-prefiltering mode (--prefilter-mode 1). The release also includes improvements to the clustering algorithm along with many other smaller fixes and features.
OpenJDK was updated to JDK 21. OpenJDK Zulu, is the open Java(TM) platform from Azul. The OpenJDK environment includes the Java runtime, compiler, and tools, providing complete runtime support for Java applications.
Perl 5.32.1 contains a number of new modules and fixes.
Warp update v2.0.0dev11 is a bug fix patch.