Bedtk 0.0.1 is new to SBGrid. Bedtk is a simple toolset for BED files. It is less versatile than bedtools but faster and increases performance for simple operations.
bedtools 2.31.1 is a minor release that fixes compilation issues that have been encountered on more modern platforms and GCC 13.
cryosparc-tools 4.5.0 is the new default. We pushed out 4.4.1, with a minor error data formatting fix, and 4.5.0, which now works with CryOSPARC 4.5 and includes a new argument for queueing clusters and print methods for inspecting available jobs, updates in the copy and symlink operation and larger shapes for dataset fields, fixes in error reporting and union of datasets, and improved documentation.
cryoDRGN 3.3.0 includes a new tool for interpolating a path in the latent conformation space connecting two points in a direct line. You may also notice improvements to the interfaces and a number of bug fixes.
deepTools version 3.5.5 drops support for python 3.7 and deepblue and includes a number of other minor fixes.
DIALS 3.19.0 includes new options for using dials when image data is not available and to allow asymmetric unit composition using dials.export, improvements to format reading, and a number of other bug fixes.
EMReady 2.0 now supports map improvements for proteins and nucleic acids and ensures that the pixel size of the output map matches the input map. The algorithm is also more robust for weak density signals.
IMP was upgraded to release 2.20.2, which includes minor changes not expected to impact users. The SBGrid team also added commonly used toolkits (numpy, scipy, sklearn, matplotlib, etc) to python.imp.
IMOD updates to 4.11.25 (default) and 4.12.60 (via version override) are available and include bug fixes for a crash in Ctfphaseflip, a non-functioning “Use Adjusted Track Com File” button, and a problem when running Splitcorrection.
Jalview features a new and more powerful command line interface, support for in-depth exploration of predicted alignment error (PAE) matrices from AlphaFold in the context of multiple alignments, AlphaFold’s standard Blue-Orange-Red confidence colourscheme, and a substantial number of minor improvements and bug fixes.
IGV is at version 2.17.4 with bug fixes that address performance issues with BigW files and rendering with BAM and TDF files.
LipIDens is new to SBGrid at version 1.0. LipIDens is a pipeline for simulation-assisted interpretation of lipid or lipid-like densities in e.g. cryo-EM structures of membrane proteins.
MemBrain-Seg version 0.0.1 is now available and includes UNet, several minor fixes and improvements, improved training documentation, and a restructuring of packages.
MGLTools 1.5.7 is now available with a new autodocktools gui as “adt”, an update from 32 to 64 bit as a default on Macs, and new compatibility with ARM-based Macs when Xquartz is available.
PEET 1.17.0 and 1.18.0a are now available. Version 1.17.0 is the new default stable release with updates for Matlab R0222b and a new usePcaMotiveLists. Version 1.18.0a is a pre-released alpha version available via version override.
Phenix was updated to the latest nightly build.
POKY 20240508 is the developers' “build 11/27/2023o” and is available via version override.
PyMOL 3.0.2 includes minor fixes to Timeline, interpolation bar, sequence viewer, and in some commands, MTZ files are now loaded properly on Windows.
R 4.4.0 fixes a recently identified security issue and includes many new features.
RStudio 2024.04.1 adds support for R 4.4.0.
Relion 5.0 beta3 is available via version override and adds bug fixes to the beta series. SBGrid provides two CUDA versions: 5.0-beta3_cu12.2 and 5.0-beta3_cu11.8.
Rosetta 3.14 provides support for the Rosetta open repository in addition to many other new features.
Starparser is another new title at version 1.55. Starparser is a python package that supports the parsing of Relion starfiles.
Warp is new to SBGrid at version 2.0.0. Warp is a set of tools for cryo-EM and cryo-ET data processing including: Warp, M, WarpTools, MTools, MCore, and Noise2Map. This tool is newly available for Linux.
XDSGUI 20231229 is the new default. This release includes a bug fix for XDS.INP and XPARAMS.XDS, and a new option to display CBF files written in PETRA-III.