ATSAS 3.2.1 is now available.
BCFtools 1.18 includes support for auto indexing during writing BCF and VCF.gz via a new --write-index option along with changes to many commands. See the release notes.
Bowtie 2 2.5.2 fixed issues preventing bowtie2 from utilizing the specified number of CPU cores, causing bowtie2 to segfault when reading compressed inputs on Windows, an issue causing bowtie2 to segfault while parsing interleaved reads, and overhauled the FASTQ parser with better tolerance for empty lines.
CrYOLO 1.9.6 fixed the reading method for eman filament start-end files.
deepTools 3.5.4 is available. See the release notes for full details.
Fiji 2.14 is now available.
HHsuite 3.3.0 includes a -premerge option to improve contact prediction performance and adds SIMDe library support for ARM, PowerPC, and all kinds of SIMD standards.
IGV 2.16.2 fixed a problem loading BAM files from 10X Genomics that contain out-of-spec MM tags.
ilastik 1.4 is the latest stable release and the new default. This version includes major user interface updates and performance improvements for the Multicut Workflow, stability and usability improvements to the Carving Workflow, new redo/undo options for brush-strokes, and a new Neural Network Workflow to run pre-trained neural networks from Model Zoo on CPU, GPU, or on a remote server.
We also pushed out the ilastik beta version 1.4.1b7, which adds a new Trainable Domain Adaptation Workflow, Tiff reading improvements, and improvements to the mMulticut user interface.
ImageJ is now at release 1.53t.
IMOD was updated to the latest nightly release - 4.12.52 - which is available via version override.
IPA is new to SBGrid at version 1.0. IPA or Iterative Projection Algorithms for protein crystallography is used for ab initio phase determination.
Model-Angelo 1.0.5 fixes an issue with esm model loading.
pdb-tools version 2.5.0 is the new default.
ProDy 2.4.1 is the new default.
PyEM was updated to 20231010
SAMtools 1.18 includes improvements to minimiser sort options, a new --duplicate-count option that adds the number of duplicates to the original read in a dc tag, a calmd update to handle unaligned data or empty files, more consistent flag filtering for fasta/fastq with --rf/ --incl[ude]-flags and long options for -F (--excl[ude]-flags and -f (--require-flags), an option to specify length using import --order TAG to --order TAG: length, and new --aa mode for consensus.
Uni-Dock is new to SBGrid at version 1.0.0. Uni-Dock is a GPU-accelerated molecular docking program developed by DP Technology. It supports various scoring functions including vina, vinardo, and ad4.
XDSCC12 2020-12-9 is now available
XDSSTAT was updated to release 12.5.2023