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# Overview
-At MCB, SBGrid provides a comprehensive system administration support for all Linux computers. Supported labs include the Gaudet and D’souza labs.
-All computers are located on a virtual local area network supported by Harvard research computing on the Cambridge campus
-To reach this network from an external location please ssh to, and access your local resources from there.
+At MCB SBGrid provides comprehensive system administration support for all Linux computers. Supported labs include the Gaudet and D’Souza labs.
+All computers are connected to a private section of the Harvard network.
+To reach this network from an external location please ssh to ****, and access your local resources from there.
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# Get Help
-To request support please contact []( For support with software installation please email []( New members joining the lab should contact as well to complete the initial setup.
+To request support please contact []( For support with software installation please email []( New members joining the lab should contact as well to complete the initial setup. Networking is supported by FAS Research Computing on the Cambridge campus.
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# Computers
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## Setup on Linux Computers
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The Linux computers share authentication and data directories and can be only accessed locally from within the lab. Home directories are located at `/labdata/<lab initials>/<username>` (example: `/labdata/vdg/testname`). A comprehensive collections of SBGrid applications is located at the /programs directory. Some systems are configured with Stereo 3D. Pioneer contains a license for running HKL2000.
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-In addition, **cerberus** which is a 64 cores 2 node computer cluster running OpenLava can be accessed remotely and is typically used for docking computations and data processing. To access it, ssh to ****
+In addition, **cerberus** which is a 64 cores 2 node computer cluster running OpenLava and can be accessed remotely and is typically used for docking computations and data processing. To access it, ssh to ****.
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Please note that your home directories are only visible to your labmates and PI by default. Permissions vary depending on the nature of the directory or files in questions. PI’s should discuss file permissions with SBGrid to suit their needs.
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