
using sshfs

Usage does not require administrative privileges.

Mounting remote filesystems with sshfs

sshfs username@remotesystem:/full/path/to/directory /mount/point

For example, sshfs meyer@schl15:/nfs/userdocs/ps/meyer /sshfs would use schl15 as a host to access the directory /nfs/userdocs/ps/meyer (in other words, that user's NFS home directory).

Unmounting remote filesystems

umount /sshfs

On Linux, if you don't have root or sudo access, you can mount sshfs via a directory in your home directory. Just remember to specify the fill PATH to the directory. On Centos, you will need the fuse-sshfs package installed.

Setting up sshfs on OS X (Mac) systems

Installation requires administrative privileges.

Prior to installing, you should make sure that password-less ssh is configured correctly between the local system and the remote system.

  1. Download OSXFuse (dmg) (pkg) from
  2. Open OSXFuse dmg , run installer
  3. Download SSHFS (pkg) from from
  4. Run SSHFS installer pkg
  5. Create a folder to access the remote filesystems (aka a mount point): mkdir /sshfs/